Friday, December 11, 2009
"He's A Cold Hearted Snake"- Paula Abdul
Good evening peeps!!If I felt sympathy for that Cablinasian male before, I certainly don't now...there; it's off my chest. So how's everybody today? If it sounds like I'm fishing around, that's because I am. I might quite possibly be at a loss for a topic today...I know y'all are tired of hearing about you know who, right? Huuummm, I've decided not to call what I do a blog; I'm thinking of calling it a "sog" as in sassy old gal, or it could even stand for sorry old gossip. Reason? I think blog is passe! I have copyrighted the term "sog" so if you are thinking of using it...don't! Lol! That's all for now folks.Haven't eaten yet... had a long day at the doctor's office, dealing with some annoying, bureaucratic insurance issues. Did get a flu shot though...have you gotten your's yet?
"Cold Hearted Snake"