Sunday, December 13, 2009

"The Christmas Song" - Nat King Cole

Good morning peeps!! "Silver Bells, Silver Bells, it's Christmas time in the city"...New York City at Christmas time is a sight to behold! In the hood you see festive decorations, signs in store windows luring you in with the promise of 50% off something that was marked up 400% in the first place; people rushing around trying to pick up that elusive toy that they probably really can't afford, but their child has got to have. You leave the hood; go downtown...there you see the wide-eyed tourists looking shell shocked! Macy's windows decorated cleverly; mesmerizing you...enticing you to come in and shop till you drop. Fifth Avenue. Park Avenue. Lexington Avenue. Grand Central Station. Penn Station. Rushing, pushing, shopping, gazing, wandering, meandering, spending. Crowded streets, street vendors, pick-pockets, hustlers, homeless. The only thing missing right now is snow! What? No, wait...I hope it doesn't snow! Gone are the days when I marveled at the beauty of pristine, white snow! Now, I worry about having to clear it from in front of my house! Ahhhh...Christmas in New York!