Good afternoon peeps!! Hope your KWANZAA began with you being well and satiated from your Christmas feasts! As we near the end of 2009, I reflect back to the beginning of The New Millineum, as we anticipated the dreaded Y2K! Boy what an anxious time that was! Threats of not being able to access our automated funds; computers crashing en mass, microwaves and VCR's being time confused (remember VCR's?) and so on. Prince's 1999 was wailing on radios across the nation... We thought the world might end then and there! Now, we are a decade into The New Millineum (actually, it's nine years in because we don't count 2000 as the first year of the new, but the last year of the old); remember, according to a game on Facebook, I was Einstein in a pass life! Sorry peeps, my mind is out of control like that at times!
Since this is the first day of KWANZAA and the first of the Seven Principles is UMOJA = UNITY, I hope to live up to that principle better than ever next year. I don't exactly know how or what I am going to change, in order to honor the principle, but God willing, I am going to try! I hope you will reflect; take stock, and reorder yourselves to have a better 2010 than you might have had last year! We have a new leader in The House; the economy seems to slowly but surely be improving; unemployment is not improving that much yet but perhaps better times are optimistic! Let's accentuate what brings us together rather than what keeps us apart; let's pray for the men and women who are away from home and in daily peril, due to military engagements. Love to all whose eyes are reading this...UMOJA!