Now for the "new lingo" This is only a partial list because there are too many to list!
BTW = by the way
AAMOF = as a matter of fact
BOL = back on later
G2G = got to go
B4N = bye for now
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
AML = all my love
BAC = back at computer
ZZZ = bored
Y2K = you're too kind (remember what this used to mean?)
CD9 = parent's around (you figure that one out)
?4U = question for you
>U = screw you (beats me)
420 4life = marijuana (huh?)
143 = I Love You
and last but not least,
53X = sex???
BOL = back on later
G2G = got to go
B4N = bye for now
ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing
AML = all my love
BAC = back at computer
ZZZ = bored
Y2K = you're too kind (remember what this used to mean?)
CD9 = parent's around (you figure that one out)
?4U = question for you
>U = screw you (beats me)
420 4life = marijuana (huh?)
143 = I Love You
and last but not least,
53X = sex???