Wednesday, January 6, 2010

"AEIOU" - Freeeze

Good afternoon peeps!! Acronyms! We all use them on a daily basis, especially in our texting, sexting, emailing, and sometimes even long hand writing. But let's get real. Will you admit that sometimes you find yourself scratching your head while trying to alternately be "cool" and in the know, but not really knowing what a particular acronym or internet jargon stands for? I admit it! It has happened to me more than a few times.  It could be something as simple as, "ty"  (you know this one, right?), or more complicated. In doing research for this topic, I consulted a "Teen Internet Lingo Dictionary" (can you believe it even exists?), and found some very interesting acronyms that I will share with you. First let me say that we have used acronyms way before the internet, and in fact, some have entered our lexicon as actual words. Here are a few: NATO, CEO, TGIF, AWOL, ASAP, AKA, BYOBB. Instead of saying the soldier went "Absent Without Official Leave", we say the soldier went "AWOL"! We have become a society of linguistically challenged individuals. Are we in such a rush to nowhere that we can't even take time to say or write a word completely? IDK...!

Now for the "new lingo" This is only a partial list because there are too many to list!


BTW = by the way

AAMOF = as a matter of fact

BOL = back on later

G2G = got to go

B4N = bye for now

ROFL = rolling on the floor laughing

AML = all my love

BAC = back at computer

ZZZ = bored

Y2K = you're too kind (remember what this used to mean?)

CD9 = parent's around (you figure that one out)

?4U = question for you

>U = screw you (beats me)

420 4life = marijuana (huh?)

143 = I Love You

and last but not least,

53X = sex???

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