Friday, September 24, 2010

"Can You Tell Me How To Get To Sesame Street?"

  Howdy-do peeps! Hope all is well in your world! Well, time to rant about over-zealousness and "political-correctness" gone amok!!! I am talking about the Katy Perry video that was taped for a Sesame Street segment, then scrapped because some parents objected to it. Seems it was deemed "too sexy" for viewing by the target audience (2 to 6 year olds). The video features singer katy Perry of "California Girls and I Kissed A Girl" fame cavorting (gosh I love that word) around with Elmo! Katy wears a bustier topped, short dress which is the basic uniform for a twenty-something California Girl. What? You didn't know that? Where have you been recently?

Elmo does seem a bit too interested in her outfit though!
        Huummm...could it be that the protesting parents are on to something? Elmo does seem a bit distracted. Naw! My problem with the entire situation is this: where were these parents in all the years that Elmo, Cookie Monster, Big Bird and Kermit have been running around in the "buff"? I mean, these guys have never worn clothes on the show! Kermit wears that silly collar around his neck and Elmo has worn a cowboy hat on occasion!

See any clothes on this guy?
Hey bird, where's your pants?

Is it true being in green skin aint easy?
Looking quite "dapper" unclothed!
The last thing I want to want to add as I wiggle my tongue around in my cheek is, "has anyone asked Miss Piggie to weigh in on the controversy? I'd really be interested in hearing her opinion on the matter...afterall, who bares more cleavage on television than Miss Piggy? I mean besides Wendy Williams and Dolly Parton?

Monday, September 13, 2010

"Sleep Walk"...Santo and Johnny

  As a "self-proclaimed" music observer/critic/lover/commentator, I felt "compelled" to watch MTV's music awards show. I know, I know...I am not in their targeted demographics! They do not consider my generation when making programming choices. I don't give a rat's behind!...I'll watch what I want and they can't stop me! An ulterior motive though, is that I get such pleasure from comparing "our" music (as in Baby Boomers) with "their" music (as in Gen X!).
  It often saddens me when I am reminded that music today seems more about "extreme" stage shows, acrobatic dance moves, outrageous costumes (shades of LaBelle and George Clinton's Funkadelics!), and increasingly less about singing!
  Before I go further, I'd like to note that coming up with a title for today's blog proved to be quite a challenge! If you are a follower of my blogs, you already know that I always choose a song title which summerizes the tone of my article. Well, note today's title: Sleep Walk by Santo and Johnny! Does that pique your curiosity in any way?
  The show opened with a performance by the "Elvis" of rap...Eminem, including a duet with Rihanna. While Em is usually controversial or somewhat interesting in his performance behaviors, he seemed oddly subdued or even "detached" last night; there was no "sizzle." His and Rihanna's duet even seemed disconnected.
  The "star power" of shows past even seemed absent from last night's show, although there were a few surprises: Lindsay Lohan mocking her own "bad behavior" in a skit with Chelsea Handler, who was the MC, for example.~Side bar~ I am a fan of Chelsea Handler and often find her humor "decadently delicious, wonderfully wicked and naughtily nice" but for some reason, she seemed "off her game" and came across as trying "too hard" to be funny and irreverant. Instead, some of her jokes fell flat. One joke directed at Justin Bieber was downright crass, so I won't even repeat it.
  The usual male artists did their things: Justin Bieber had 'em screaming; and when Drake and later, Usher took to the stage, they seemed "geriatric" compared to young Mr. Bieber! "Pseudo celebrities" such as The Jersey Shore cast were in the house, as well as other current pop culture ."icons."
  The night's big winners include Eminem, who won "best male video" for "Not Afraid" and Lady Gaga who won the first four awards for which she was nominated, including the most coveted "best female video." A surprise moment that woke me back up (hence the title above) was an appearance by the one and only Cher!
  As she stepped on stage with her sixty-five-year -old baaaddd self, in that iconic, "barely there" black outfit that shows her in her ancient glory, I had to give props! She still has it! The old gal looked good! She presented Lady Gaga an award and when the camera panned the audience for reaction shots, you could see the looks of awe on the faces of today's "divas." The "other" oldster on the show was Mary J. Blige. Rememer her?
  Here's some irony: my young niece Mary Klausner called to ask if I was watching "Rock, Rhythm & Doo-Wop" which was airing all day yesterday on PBS; I answered "no" because I had seen the episodes before; it was a marathon of previously aired shows, some dating as far back as 2001. Many of the artists are no longer with us. Mary is a younger person who appreciates "our" music; no theatrics, elaborate stage shows, funny or outrageous costumes, or controversial lyrics. Just pure vocal harmonizing, meticulous suits and glamorous dresses. And here I was watching MTV!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

God Bless The USA...Lee Greenwood

            I'd like to simply share a poem I wrote on September 11, 2001:

                                 The Day Terror Struck My City

                                        Terror struck my city today
                                        It rained down from the sky
                                       I fell down on my knees to pray
                                      I asked God in heaven, "why?"
                                     But God no answer had to give
                                        Terror is not God's game
                                     So when you curse and rant and rave
                                         Be careful who you blame
                                       Remember God is a loving God
                                       Who'll see that we get through
                                   The darkest days our eyes will see
                                          Our faith we must renew
                                          Terror struck my city today
                                    God bless the Red, White and Blue