Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"A Thin Line"? By Beverly Rhett

Good morning all! Woke up this morning with a song on my mind...I know, I know...here she goes again with that claim. Well, I do tend to think in terms of music a great deal; I love music so much! Any whoo, the song is called, "It's A Thin Line Between Love and Hate" and it was recorded in the seventies by a group called The Persuaders (not to be confused with the acapella group, The Persuasions). It got me to thinking ( I Think, Therefore...), but to the point: is the line between love and hate really thin? Or does it really take a lot to make one arrive at that point? Remembering the Martin Lawrence movie of the same name, he treated a mentally fragile female so badly, that she ended up trying to kill him. Have any of you ever felt this way about a mate? What pushed you to that point? I suspect that most of us tolerate a multitude of hurts before reaching the point of no return. The song says, "the sweetest woman in the world, can be the meanest woman in the world, if you make her that way..." Can someone really "make you that way"? I don't think the line between love and hate is thin...I think many of us try to hold on to love long "After The Love is Gone"- EWF, because we relish "The Glow of Love" - Luther Vandross. Martha and The Vandellas said, "Love, Love, Love, Makes You Do Foolish Things" but Tina Turner inquires, "What's Love Got to do With It"? Huuummm...I wonder! BTW, I think the opposite of love is indifference, rather than hate. How about you?


Teddy Bear said...

I think any line is thin if you pull it enough! I don't like the word "HATE" it is so strong a word and you have to be truly physically and emotionally be destroyed to hate! I have been dragged through the coals in my lifetime and God knows I don't want to hate....but I dislike a hell of a lot! Smile. We have to learn to cut losts, move on and "get back on the horse!" Life is too short (my mantra) and feelings are too fragile to let things like hate, fear or indifference get in the way! God made us too love, and a lot of times we fall short but he/she didn't mean for us to hate and not move on! I am lovable, kind and considerate...and yet I get upset and angry...I don't hate! But God knows I could. Smile.

BeverlyRhett said...

Well Teddy Bear, you are a bigger person than most if you practice what you have just articulated. I like your attitude! Your mantra about life being too short should be repeated whenever we get the urge to "hate" or get even with someone we feel slighted us. Maybe that will keep us grounded.

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