I have way too much going on but love every minute of it. At the beginning of this year I labeled my year 'The Reinvention of Steph' and set about doing just that. LOL that's my comment...LOL.
Aside from my Art I've tried to touch hearts with my weekly Articles seen in Divaprenuer Magazine and my weekly Newsletter Diviacity. I've met many wonderful people through Beverly and her support and inspiration has been a major blessing! And the story of how we met in itself is amazing!
I wish you all the best in the upcoming year. And I certainly believe that 2009 has opened up a lot of opportunity for opportunity, growth and improvement, even if it seems slow coming. We never thought there would be an Obama in office...yet there he stands...a symbol of hope and a reminder that with faith, perseverance, determination and a little something something upstairs...we can do it.
Visit me anytime at www.diviacity.blogspot.com or www.diviacity.com
May your everyday be better than the one before it.
Happy Holidays
Steph Jordan
Steph, my SFAMF; thank you for your inspirational self! The life parallels have been amazing! I too am glad we've met...thanks to our mutual friend, ET! May you continue to be blessed...Merry Christmas,Blessed Kwanzaa, and Happy New Year!
Beverly Rhett
Hello all,
The reality death shows were called snuff films! As you stated everythinbg is now reality an computer hav almost taken over hollywood. You don't know wha is real or what isbn't! LOL!! But we wath regardless! Keep it real peeps! Keep it real!
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