Tuesday, December 8, 2009

"Stand By Your Man" - Tina Turner's version

Good morning peeps! Not to "beat a dead horse"( or tiger)...but it's all that's in the news these days. In fact, the most recent development is quite bizarre! A blond female was taken from Tiger's home on a stretcher; on some sort of life support. Also, maybe Elin has finally had enough because according to news sources, she has left the building! So, topic for today...should you stand by a cheating man? Should you stay for the money? For the sake of the children? Recently, there have been many high profile wives that have had to make this decision.! Hillary stayed with Bill...stained dress and all! Tina Turner not only endured the blatant cheating, but a-- whuppings too! Kobe's wife got jewelry! Shaq's wife, Michael's wife, the many politicians wives...the list is endless! Ladies, what would you do?


Anonymous said...

Who of us have not been unfaithful? We have all pledged our loyalty to something only to break it. For those of you who have said "Oh no, not me". What about those New Year's Resolutions to lose weight or stop smoking? Those issues may not be as earth moving as having your spouse cheat on you but they are pledges to better yourself and guess what you were unfaithful to them. Who are we to sit in judgement of anyone, including ourselves? Forgiveness is the name of this game. As someone who is married, I would stick with my man!! Marriage isnt easy but it is one of the last great institutions that defines our views.

BeverlyRhett said...

To anonymous: while I do agree that we have all been "unfaithful" to something, such as not fulfilling a pledge to better ourselves, or keeping a resolution; when we do so we are only hurting ourselves. When we choose to cheat on a spouse in a marriage committment, we hurt ourselves, our spouse, our families and so on. As someone who was married for a lot of years, to a cheating spouse, it is hard to be objective. However, I do know only God can judge, in the long run. "To err is human; to forgive is divine."

Dr. DR said...

I think it's a very difficult decision with no one right answer. If a woman can truly forgive (if the man is really remorseful, that is) and can move past it, that's great. Forgiveness is a powerful thing both for the forgiver and the forgiven. It can be transformational. However, if one cannot really forgive, it's best to move on. No point in staying in a relationship full of anger and lacking trust.

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with you Toodie, it is a totally different aspect when you are hurting more then just yourself. believe the circumstances dictate forgiveness. Sometimes people do stray fronm lack of attention, love, caring etc. We sometime take our partners for granted and don't realize the thng we did to get them we need to continue in some way to keep them. Then there are those who just want to divide and conquer in which they care about no one but themselves and what they can get. It is a difficult catch-22 topic that it all depends on the individual, time and circumstance. But whatever the deal it is not a good thing because we may forgive but sledom do we forget!


BeverlyRhett said...

Yes, I can understand the straying from lack of attention, but I wonder if the "strayer" even told the "strayee" that they felt neglected? In my situation, I think my man was "greedy" rather than "needy" and/or opportunistic. He was also charismatic, handsome, charming and in a position at the time to meet many females. Nevertheless, I was worthy of honesty and respect in the relationship. It has taken me a long to forgive (maybe I have), but no, I won't forget. Unfortunately, this impedes my ability to trust again.

Anonymous said...

But to forgive is to forget.

BeverlyRhett said...

I disagree. To me, to forget is to erase from one's memory but to forgive means I'll remember what you did, but I won't hold it against you any longer. Note: my opinion only.

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