Good morning peeps! It's that time of year when we become mindful of all that we have or are. Although we should be grateful every day we wake up, we often tend to relegate our declarations of gratitude to specific times of the year. Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so we once again openly state what we are thankful for; unashamedly. I'm no different are my declarations of gratitude:
As I stood in my kitchen this morning preparing pancakes, I felt a brush on my shoulder followed by a loud bang! The overhead light globe had fallen! It is made out of glass, but did not shatter or break in any way. I was stunned because it was so unexpected. I did not know the holding knob on the bottom was even loose. After I replaced it and screwed it back on as tightly as I could, I thought about how close it came to hitting me square on my noggin. Then, I thanked God that it hadn't, for it would surely have knocked me senseless! It reminded me how God looks out for us, even when we aren't even thinking about it. I am thankful for my ancestors who helped mold me into who I am; my immediate family (siblings, children, parents...) and my friends. I have made new friends whom I have never even met in person, thanks to this medium we call the internet. Thank you Stephanie Jordan for being my sister-from-another-mother/father or as we say, SFAMF. Without your support and know how, this blog would not have happened; you inspire me. Thank you to all who have touched my life in positive ways...Peace!
Sis, I'm so happy we met too! You are definitely a fresh breath of air! I'm happy to know you and thank you for introducing me to so many good people as well! I hope yoyu have a great Thanksgiving,. Glad that globe didn't bust your noggin. Who would keep up groovin and moving to the sound of music and wise words you share :-)
Peace and Happy Thanksgiving!
I thank God every morning when I rise. For those who know me I have been blessed with 5 wonderful children 1 Granddaughter,and a Man that loves Me and all of my faults. Every time I hear that song it takes me back to a trip to Bermuda. It was my first trip there and I had such a wonderful time and met some very nice people.
Bev so glad you didn't get hurt when your Globe felled and hit you on the head. Hard head lol
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