Good evening all. I spent the best part of this day sitting in a doctor's office (not sick; just preventive stuff). Therefore, I've decided to make this blog about doctor trivia. Songs, TV shows, observations about doctors. I would love for you to join in with your ideas.
How many songs with "doctor" in the title or lyrics can you name? Here's what I have: "I pick, (clap, clap); names of, (clap, clap); doctors, (clap, clap); five a piece, (clap, clap); no repeats, (clap, clap): memba that game?
1. Doctor's Orders - Carol Douglas
2. Doctor My Eyes - Jackson Browne
3. Dr. Feel Good - Aretha Franklin
4.The Witch Doctor - Alvin and The Chipmunks
5. Doctor Love - Tina Charies
T V doctors ( Real or not):
1. Dr. Kildare
2. Dr. Ben Casey
3. Dr. Welby
4. Dr. Phil
5. Dr. Oz
What type of Doctor am I?
1 .I deliver babies. What type of doctor am I?
2. I get under your skin. What's my title?
3 .I deal with the male genitalia and reproductive system. I am called a____________?
4. My specialty is the female genitalia and reproductive system. I am called a__________?
5. I take care of the babies and kiddies after they arrive. I am a_____________?
6. I get inside your head and prescribe medication if needed; I am a____________________?
7. I get inside your head but am not a medical doctor and do not prescribe medication; I am a___________?
8. I examine your eyes but don't give you the glasses. I'm called an____________________.
9. I fit you with glasses, after examining your eyes. I'm an________________________.
10.I charge you big bucks to make you look fake. I am a________________________.
Well peeps, that's my blog for today...comment, answer questions, add jokes or whatever you want to do, peace!
I only know 2 songs
1Doctor Love
2Doctor feel good
Seen all the TV shows except (Dr. Phil)
type of Doctor:
3.His Mate lol
6. psycho
7. Therapist
10.Plastic Dr.
Can't do better than that LOL
Marilyn, I'll post the answers tomorrow.
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