Good evening peeps!! Happy New Year's Eve!!! Today is the sixth day of KWANZAA and today's principle is KUUMBA = CREATIVITY!!! This needs no your thing all you creative types...BE BLESSED AND SAFE! GET READY FOR 01/01/10...It's here!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
"Purpose" - Avenue Q
Good morning peeps!! It is already day five of Kwanzaa...time seems to accelerate as we grow older! I guess we become more aware of the passage of time as adults, whereas, in childhood we are so involved in our daily playful pursuits that we don't give time much thought. Wow...! Day five of Kwanzaa celebrates the principle of NIA. Such a pretty word! Such a lovely name for a daughter. NIA means purpose; purpose means different things to folk. As a principle of Kwanzaa, purpose is defined as making our "collective vocation the building and developing of our community, in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness". An idealistic pipe dream? Perhaps. But should we stop trying? Of course not! Let's continue to (oh-oh, here comes a tired cliche) KEEP HOPE ALIVE! Happy fifth day of Kwanzaa! NIA!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
"I Don't Want Nobody To Give Me Nothing" - James Brown
Good morning peeps!!Welcome to day four of KWANZAA! Today's principle is UJAAMA = Collective Economics! In December 1966 when Dr. Maulana Karenga created the concept of Kwanzaa, there was a lot of movement towards self-empowerment. The Black Panther Party demonstrated this idea in Oakland, California by starting "feeding programs" for the people. They encouraged "self-sufficiency"; taking care of each other and community ownership. Dr. Karenga used Swahili words to derive the Seven Principles. Swahili is a fusion of African Bantu language with Arabic, creating a Creole derivative. Ujaama was selected to represent Collective Economics: "to build, maintain, and support our own stores, establishments and businesses". The late, great James Brown personified this principle by having his own self-contained band; employing many stellar musicians, and establishing a dress code. He also purchased his own radio stations (three), as well as his own production company. James Brown is one of a few Black artists who knew the importance of Ujaama. Have a blessed day four of Kwanzaa and support as many Black owned businesses as you can.
Monday, December 28, 2009
"Chain Gang" - Sam Cooke
Good morning peeps!! Hope you are having a blessed Kwanzaa! We are already on the third day of Kwanzaa, and today's principle is UJIMA! Ujima is the principle of Collective Work and Responsibility. My penchant for attaching a popular (or obscure) song to my theme was a bit more difficult today than usual, because I couldn't really think of just the right song to personify Ujima! What is collective work and responsibility? I think it means pitching in to help one another complete a project together; or helping a friend move; having a paint party to get the job completed faster; bringing a dish to a "pot luck" dinner so the hostess won't have to do all the preparations. etc. Although the song Chain Gang is about a depressing situation, I can envision the men helping one another, in order to make each one's task a little less daunting. The song also evokes images of my ancestors working in cotton or tobacco fields, beneath a hot sun; under an overseer's watchful eyes! UJIMA! Working together in a positively helpful manner. Have you Ujima'd today?
Play List for Ujima
1. Chain Gang - Sam Cooke
2. The Work Song - Oscar Brown Junior
3. That's What Friends Are For - Dionne Warwick and Friends
4. Working In The Coal Mine - Lee Dorsey
5. With A Little Help From My Friend - The Beatles
6. Lean On Me - Bill Withers
7. He Aint Heavy, He's My Brother - The Hollies
8. You've Got A Friend - James Taylor
9. Let's Work Together - Canned Heat
10. I Can Help - Billy Swann
11. I'll Be There - J5
12. Work To Do - Isley Brothers
13. Higher Ground - Stevie Wonder
14. Come Together - The Beatles
15. We Are The World - USA for Africa
5. With A Little Help From My Friend - The Beatles
6. Lean On Me - Bill Withers
7. He Aint Heavy, He's My Brother - The Hollies
8. You've Got A Friend - James Taylor
9. Let's Work Together - Canned Heat
10. I Can Help - Billy Swann
11. I'll Be There - J5
12. Work To Do - Isley Brothers
13. Higher Ground - Stevie Wonder
14. Come Together - The Beatles
15. We Are The World - USA for Africa
"Chain Gang"
Sunday, December 27, 2009
"Sisters Are Doing It For Themselves" - Annie Lennox and Aretha Franklin
Good morning peeps!! Bless you on this, the second day of KWANZAA. Today's principle is KUJICHAGULIA = SELF-DETERMINATION! Don't let anyone else define who you are or what you should believe. Just determine to be the best you you can be!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
"Unity" - Queen Latifah
Good afternoon peeps!! Hope your KWANZAA began with you being well and satiated from your Christmas feasts! As we near the end of 2009, I reflect back to the beginning of The New Millineum, as we anticipated the dreaded Y2K! Boy what an anxious time that was! Threats of not being able to access our automated funds; computers crashing en mass, microwaves and VCR's being time confused (remember VCR's?) and so on. Prince's 1999 was wailing on radios across the nation... We thought the world might end then and there! Now, we are a decade into The New Millineum (actually, it's nine years in because we don't count 2000 as the first year of the new, but the last year of the old); remember, according to a game on Facebook, I was Einstein in a pass life! Sorry peeps, my mind is out of control like that at times!
Since this is the first day of KWANZAA and the first of the Seven Principles is UMOJA = UNITY, I hope to live up to that principle better than ever next year. I don't exactly know how or what I am going to change, in order to honor the principle, but God willing, I am going to try! I hope you will reflect; take stock, and reorder yourselves to have a better 2010 than you might have had last year! We have a new leader in The House; the economy seems to slowly but surely be improving; unemployment is not improving that much yet but perhaps better times are optimistic! Let's accentuate what brings us together rather than what keeps us apart; let's pray for the men and women who are away from home and in daily peril, due to military engagements. Love to all whose eyes are reading this...UMOJA!
Since this is the first day of KWANZAA and the first of the Seven Principles is UMOJA = UNITY, I hope to live up to that principle better than ever next year. I don't exactly know how or what I am going to change, in order to honor the principle, but God willing, I am going to try! I hope you will reflect; take stock, and reorder yourselves to have a better 2010 than you might have had last year! We have a new leader in The House; the economy seems to slowly but surely be improving; unemployment is not improving that much yet but perhaps better times are optimistic! Let's accentuate what brings us together rather than what keeps us apart; let's pray for the men and women who are away from home and in daily peril, due to military engagements. Love to all whose eyes are reading this...UMOJA!
Friday, December 25, 2009
"The Christmas Song"
Good morning peeps!! As i sit here in my leopard print Snuggie, I want to wish all of my friends; both near and far, A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS, A BOUNTIFUL KWANZAA AND A SAFE, HEALTHY NEW YEAR!
"The Christmas Song"
Thursday, December 24, 2009
"To Be Real" - Cheryl Lynn
Good Morning Peeps!! Folks, so called "Reality Television" has run amok! Yeah, I know...the cynical among you are probably saying: "who gives a flying fig...I don't watch Reality TV!" Well I confess to watching some of this escapist drivel, so I can smugly think, "these people need help and I don't...nah-na-nah-nah-na!" But seriously, some of you might think thank that MTV ushered in the genre with the premiere of "The Real World" over eleven or more years ago, right? Not so...One advantage to being an O.G. like myself, is that I have a wealth of trivial memories stored in my cranial area! I contend that the reality genre started many years ago, with a TV show called, "This Is Your Life" hosted by Ralph Edwards. The premise of the show was that the producers would have some well known person on stage receiving accolades about their careers or accomplishments, as the host showed highlights of said person's life. The subject would then be further embarrassed by someone from their past revealing something personal, like their first grade teacher or some girlfriend or boyfriend from their ordinary days. As a young viewer, I was always amazed that so-called celebrities had real lives like me!
However, I've digressed from my premise...reality gone amok! I think it started in the early 1970's, when a filmmaker thought it would be a good idea to produce a documentary about an upper middle class family from Santa Barbara California; purpose being...? Perhaps, to show the world that "Leave It To Beaver, Father Knows Best, Ozzie and Harriet" type families are the American Ideal? Well, a family called the Louds were chosen for this project and agreed to having cameras chronical their lives, to be broadcast on television. The family consisted of the parents and five children; one of whom was a gay male. The show aired over a period of weeks, and cameras were allowed to film their every move. Unbeknownst to the producers, was that the marriage wasn't quite ideal afterall! Turns out the father was having an affair and the wife was filing for a divorce! During the filming of the show, the wife actually threw the husband out! The other drama that was unfolding was the "coming out of the closet" of the son! Although the family knew, the world at that time, was not as accepting of that "lifestyle" then, as it supposedly is now. This family literally "imploded" right before the public's eyes via national television.
By the end of the series, the so called "All American Family" was making headlines on all the news magazines and newspapers, for personifying everything that is wrong with American families! How ironic considering the original premise! Fast forward to today...Reality shows running amok! Fighting, fornicating (yeah, I said it), women jockying for position for some rock star, r and b star, rap star, bachelor, millionaire, etc. etc., and being willing to show their asses for all the world to see! Black women; White women, Asian women...acting a fool! The Omarosa's; The New Yorks, The Snooks...all looking for their fifteen minutes! The Bad Girls, who drink and fight, fight and drink...all for what? Why to parlay it into some momentary affair with fame of course! Men punching women out a la "guido" style, on The Jersey Shore no less! Women spitting on each other to get at...Flava Flave??? It goes on and on and on. I fear that the next reality craze might involve someone taking someone else's life before live cameras. Oh, that already happened? What was it called again...?
However, I've digressed from my premise...reality gone amok! I think it started in the early 1970's, when a filmmaker thought it would be a good idea to produce a documentary about an upper middle class family from Santa Barbara California; purpose being...? Perhaps, to show the world that "Leave It To Beaver, Father Knows Best, Ozzie and Harriet" type families are the American Ideal? Well, a family called the Louds were chosen for this project and agreed to having cameras chronical their lives, to be broadcast on television. The family consisted of the parents and five children; one of whom was a gay male. The show aired over a period of weeks, and cameras were allowed to film their every move. Unbeknownst to the producers, was that the marriage wasn't quite ideal afterall! Turns out the father was having an affair and the wife was filing for a divorce! During the filming of the show, the wife actually threw the husband out! The other drama that was unfolding was the "coming out of the closet" of the son! Although the family knew, the world at that time, was not as accepting of that "lifestyle" then, as it supposedly is now. This family literally "imploded" right before the public's eyes via national television.
By the end of the series, the so called "All American Family" was making headlines on all the news magazines and newspapers, for personifying everything that is wrong with American families! How ironic considering the original premise! Fast forward to today...Reality shows running amok! Fighting, fornicating (yeah, I said it), women jockying for position for some rock star, r and b star, rap star, bachelor, millionaire, etc. etc., and being willing to show their asses for all the world to see! Black women; White women, Asian women...acting a fool! The Omarosa's; The New Yorks, The Snooks...all looking for their fifteen minutes! The Bad Girls, who drink and fight, fight and drink...all for what? Why to parlay it into some momentary affair with fame of course! Men punching women out a la "guido" style, on The Jersey Shore no less! Women spitting on each other to get at...Flava Flave??? It goes on and on and on. I fear that the next reality craze might involve someone taking someone else's life before live cameras. Oh, that already happened? What was it called again...?
"To Be Real"
I have way too much going on but love every minute of it. At the beginning of this year I labeled my year 'The Reinvention of Steph' and set about doing just that. LOL that's my comment...LOL.
Aside from my Art I've tried to touch hearts with my weekly Articles seen in Divaprenuer Magazine and my weekly Newsletter Diviacity. I've met many wonderful people through Beverly and her support and inspiration has been a major blessing! And the story of how we met in itself is amazing!
I wish you all the best in the upcoming year. And I certainly believe that 2009 has opened up a lot of opportunity for opportunity, growth and improvement, even if it seems slow coming. We never thought there would be an Obama in office...yet there he stands...a symbol of hope and a reminder that with faith, perseverance, determination and a little something something upstairs...we can do it.
Visit me anytime at or
May your everyday be better than the one before it.
Happy Holidays
Steph Jordan
Monday, December 21, 2009
"Computer Love" - Zapp and Roger
Good morning peeps! Question: Have you ever met and fallen in love with someone over the internet? There are a plethora of "social networking" sites around these days that didn't exist as recent as five or less years ago, and people seem to be forgoing the traditional ways of meeting potential friends, lovers and in some cases spouses; opting instead for the internet. I can count myself in this category, because after years of resisting, I acquiesced a little over a year ago and joined one. I now visit two regularly; one semi-regularly and one that I recently joined just the other day. my original intent was not to meet a soul mate or date; I just wanted to correspond with people who shared some of my interests, which include a love of doo-wop music, sci-fi movies, cruising and trivia. The first site that I joined was dedicated to movies and related trivia about movies. Next, a male friend sent a "friend" request from another site, which I initially ignored. Several months later I received another invite from this friend and I decided to see what it was all about. After joining and posting a profile picture, I started receiving "friend requests" on a regular basis. I would accept the ones that shared my interests and so on. I have to say that I have made quite a few "friends" that I most likely would have never known had I not joined. I am enjoying these "friendships" and don't regret joining.
The third site was joined after I kept receiving emails from the site itself. This was a specialty site, geared towards the "mature" individual. In my profile I state that I am looking for pen pals and friends; not serious relationships. I have received over 130 views, 18 bookmarks, 128 flirts and numerous messages! What troubles me about this site, is that the requests I've received so far, are mostly for serious relationships. Some stories I've heard involve details that sound suspiciously similar: recently widowed; raising my child alone...etc etc etc. Haven't you read my profile? NOT LOOKING FOR A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP! (Not on this site anyway).
The site that has become my "favorite" site, is the one you are probably on also. This site has allowed me to reconnect with people I grew up with, relatives, celebrities, former schoolmates, co-workers, etc. I visit this site to play trivia games, send and receive messages, look at photos from friends and families and more! I joined this one after invites from co-workers and family members! This is truly a networking rather than dating site. I'm having a good time here, in spite of occasional glitches. Also, many of my friends from another site are also on this one.
The good news about all this is that I have met people whose friendships I now welcome, including the lady I started this blog with. I have met some really nice guys too. Have I met that special, special someone? That is for me to know and for you to find out! He could be reading this, you know! Please share your "Computer Love" or "like" or "friendship" stories, if you will.
The third site was joined after I kept receiving emails from the site itself. This was a specialty site, geared towards the "mature" individual. In my profile I state that I am looking for pen pals and friends; not serious relationships. I have received over 130 views, 18 bookmarks, 128 flirts and numerous messages! What troubles me about this site, is that the requests I've received so far, are mostly for serious relationships. Some stories I've heard involve details that sound suspiciously similar: recently widowed; raising my child alone...etc etc etc. Haven't you read my profile? NOT LOOKING FOR A SERIOUS RELATIONSHIP! (Not on this site anyway).
The site that has become my "favorite" site, is the one you are probably on also. This site has allowed me to reconnect with people I grew up with, relatives, celebrities, former schoolmates, co-workers, etc. I visit this site to play trivia games, send and receive messages, look at photos from friends and families and more! I joined this one after invites from co-workers and family members! This is truly a networking rather than dating site. I'm having a good time here, in spite of occasional glitches. Also, many of my friends from another site are also on this one.
The good news about all this is that I have met people whose friendships I now welcome, including the lady I started this blog with. I have met some really nice guys too. Have I met that special, special someone? That is for me to know and for you to find out! He could be reading this, you know! Please share your "Computer Love" or "like" or "friendship" stories, if you will.
"Computer Love"
Sunday, December 20, 2009
"Say My Name, Say My Name" - Destiny's Child
Good and snowy morning peeps!! Here in the east we are experiencing our first "major" snow storm of the season! Contrary to the newscasts you might be seeing on the west coast, this is nothing unusual for this time of year and we "New Yawkers" are going about our business as usual! Now, back to the business at hand. I'll call this the name discussion partie deux! In writing about names the other day, I came across some interesting information about names. Much of what I discovered reinforced my idea that what we are named and what we name our children, does indeed impact on how we perceive our selves and how others perceive us. Furthermore, studies were conducted with college students, teachers and employers, to determine how names influenced their opinions of others, how teachers expect students to perform based on their given names and how employers decide who to hire.The most interesting studies are the ones that purported to correlate criminal activity with specific names; some concluding that having an uncommon name and being more likely to show up in the juvenile justice system are intertwined. Essentially, most of the studies support the notion that unusual, uncommon, or so-called "ghetto names" greatly affect people's perceptions of each other. That being said (I dislike that phrase, but will use it anyway) I will predict that most of the criminals in the near future, will most certainly be the children of celebrities!
Jermajesty and Jaafar, sons of Jermaine Jackson
Moxie Crimefighter, daughter of Penn Jillette
Tu Morrow, child of Rob Morrow
Audio Science, child of Shannyn Sossamon
Rocket, child of Robert Rodriguez,
Pilot, child of Jason Lee
CoCo, child of The Arquettes
Kyd, child of David Duchovney
Destry, child of Steven Spielberg
And did you know that Punky Brewster's real name is Soliel Moon Frye? or that her half brother's name is Meeno Peluce?
In 2005, actor Shia LaBeouf supposedly said, "name your kid Billy or Timmy! Who better than him to give that advice? Why me of course! Here are my suggestions:
If you must name your child after, let's say furniture for example; make sure you use the French or Spanish word for it. That way, it won't sound "ghetto," it'll sound "exotic." Therefore, instead of chair you can name your child "Chaises" or "Silla."
Maybe you want to name your child after an animal; at least choose a cute animal name like "Bunny" instead of "Rabbit" or "Lamb" instead of "Sheep." If you choose to name your child after a cat or dog, choose a cute breed name; for instance, "Calico" or "Papillon." I know that some of you like to name your children after alcohol, so try the good brands at least: Christal, Cognac, Chardonnay, rather than Tequila, Ripple!
Don't get me started on perfumes! Chantilly and Chanel are always cute! Aviance or Emeraude is pushing it. How about those other names like, Precious, Passion, Fashion, Queen, Princess, King, Mister, lady, Man, etc.etc. I know people with these names do you! Some of us are such avid readers that we name our children after magazines: Essence, Ebony, Jet...don't deny it! Whew! It's a good thing I am not having anymore children because I am inclined to name my girl Indigo Blue after the Rainbow Brite character. I've always thought it was a cute name! I also like Teal or Stage for a girl. My boy might be named Max, Rocky, Duke (not a dog but royalty) or Biff, because I find these name particularly masculine sounding. Stormy for my daughter or Logan for my son...I am an X-Men fan! I tend to shy away from names that sound "too ethnic", but once pondered "Shaka Zulu!" Just kidding!
More unusual celebrity children names:
Jermajesty and Jaafar, sons of Jermaine Jackson
Moxie Crimefighter, daughter of Penn Jillette
Tu Morrow, child of Rob Morrow
Audio Science, child of Shannyn Sossamon
Rocket, child of Robert Rodriguez,
Pilot, child of Jason Lee
CoCo, child of The Arquettes
Kyd, child of David Duchovney
Destry, child of Steven Spielberg
And did you know that Punky Brewster's real name is Soliel Moon Frye? or that her half brother's name is Meeno Peluce?
In 2005, actor Shia LaBeouf supposedly said, "name your kid Billy or Timmy! Who better than him to give that advice? Why me of course! Here are my suggestions:
If you must name your child after, let's say furniture for example; make sure you use the French or Spanish word for it. That way, it won't sound "ghetto," it'll sound "exotic." Therefore, instead of chair you can name your child "Chaises" or "Silla."
Maybe you want to name your child after an animal; at least choose a cute animal name like "Bunny" instead of "Rabbit" or "Lamb" instead of "Sheep." If you choose to name your child after a cat or dog, choose a cute breed name; for instance, "Calico" or "Papillon." I know that some of you like to name your children after alcohol, so try the good brands at least: Christal, Cognac, Chardonnay, rather than Tequila, Ripple!
Don't get me started on perfumes! Chantilly and Chanel are always cute! Aviance or Emeraude is pushing it. How about those other names like, Precious, Passion, Fashion, Queen, Princess, King, Mister, lady, Man, etc.etc. I know people with these names do you! Some of us are such avid readers that we name our children after magazines: Essence, Ebony, Jet...don't deny it! Whew! It's a good thing I am not having anymore children because I am inclined to name my girl Indigo Blue after the Rainbow Brite character. I've always thought it was a cute name! I also like Teal or Stage for a girl. My boy might be named Max, Rocky, Duke (not a dog but royalty) or Biff, because I find these name particularly masculine sounding. Stormy for my daughter or Logan for my son...I am an X-Men fan! I tend to shy away from names that sound "too ethnic", but once pondered "Shaka Zulu!" Just kidding!
"Say My Name,
Say My Name"
Saturday, December 19, 2009
"Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow!" - Frank Sinatra
Good afternoon peeps!! Yes, it is snowing here in the east! It seems as if Mother Nature said, "OK, I've held off long's time to sock it to 'em! Now ordinarily I would be welcoming the snow this time of year, because it adds to the atmosphere of the season. However, since I became a homeowner eleven years ago; not so much! I am now responsible for keeping my walkway cleared of snow, or risk being fined. I am thankful for my daughter Donya and her partner Michael, for taking this daunting task upon themselves!
Snowfall in New York City is a pretty sight for about a day. After a day, it can be downright ugly! Mixed with exhaust from buses and cars, and sometimes dog poop plus street garbage and other discarded what nots...eeewww! And another thing, why does it have to happen on a Saturday as opposed to a Monday? By Monday, it's usually melted and with that, any chance of schools being closed are also gone! But wait, I don't have to worry about that, now do I? I am retired!!! Last year at this time I wasn't. We finally did get one snow day last year, but the Mayor waited so long to notify city agencies, that some people had already left for work when the word finally came! Speaking of snow, here are some of my favorite "weather songs." As always, please chime in.
Snowfall in New York City is a pretty sight for about a day. After a day, it can be downright ugly! Mixed with exhaust from buses and cars, and sometimes dog poop plus street garbage and other discarded what nots...eeewww! And another thing, why does it have to happen on a Saturday as opposed to a Monday? By Monday, it's usually melted and with that, any chance of schools being closed are also gone! But wait, I don't have to worry about that, now do I? I am retired!!! Last year at this time I wasn't. We finally did get one snow day last year, but the Mayor waited so long to notify city agencies, that some people had already left for work when the word finally came! Speaking of snow, here are some of my favorite "weather songs." As always, please chime in.
Playlist of weather songs:
1. Baby It's Cold Outside - Vanessa Williams and Aaron Neville
2. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow - Frank Sinatra
3. The Rhythm Of The Rain - The Cascades
4. Sunny - Bobby Hebb
5. I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
6. Raindrops - Dee Clark
7. I Wish It Would Rain - Temptations
8. I Saw You (and him) Walking In The Rain - Oran "Juice" Jones
9. I Wanna Go Outside In The Rain - Dramatics
10. I Can't Stand The Rain - Ann Pebbles
11. Stormy Weather - Lena Horne
12. Stormy - The Classics Four
13. Windy - The Association
14. Sunshine Superman - Donovan
15. It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
16. Have You Ever Seen The Rain? - Creedence Clearwater Revival
17. I Love A Rainy Night - Eddie Rabbit
18. Rainy Night In Georgia - Brook Benton
19. Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot - Buster Poindexter
20. Frosty The Snowman - Burl Ives
2. Let It Snow, Let It Snow, Let It Snow - Frank Sinatra
3. The Rhythm Of The Rain - The Cascades
4. Sunny - Bobby Hebb
5. I Can See Clearly Now - Johnny Nash
6. Raindrops - Dee Clark
7. I Wish It Would Rain - Temptations
8. I Saw You (and him) Walking In The Rain - Oran "Juice" Jones
9. I Wanna Go Outside In The Rain - Dramatics
10. I Can't Stand The Rain - Ann Pebbles
11. Stormy Weather - Lena Horne
12. Stormy - The Classics Four
13. Windy - The Association
14. Sunshine Superman - Donovan
15. It's Raining Men - The Weather Girls
16. Have You Ever Seen The Rain? - Creedence Clearwater Revival
17. I Love A Rainy Night - Eddie Rabbit
18. Rainy Night In Georgia - Brook Benton
19. Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot - Buster Poindexter
20. Frosty The Snowman - Burl Ives
Friday, December 18, 2009
"The Name Game" - Shirley Ellis
Good morning peeps!! Part I:
What's in a name? Apparently, everything! Did you know that what you name a child can influence their personality, behavior, achievements, vocations, levels of creativity, and more? I have been thinking about my own choice of names for my three children, and their personalities. Sorry Rhett children but in order to write this piece, I will have to do some "name dropping." I am not trying to invade your privacy, but to accurately state my position on this topic, I must do this. I named my first born; a son, Shannon. I considered Sean, but a friend had her son first and named him Sean. So, I had to think again. I decided not to name my son after his father; James, because I wanted him to have his own "unique" name. Looking through a newspaper, I saw the name Shannon. I instantly liked the sound of it, so Shannon it would be! Mind you, when I first saw the name, I was not even expecting! I tucked it away for future consideration. I did concede and gave my son his father's first name as a middle name. Upon researching further, I discovered the origin of the name. It is Gaelic and contains the root of the word "wise". Maybe that explains why my son was reading The New York Times at the age of two, and had knowledge of Egyptian culture well beyond his years! My second born was a daughter and my husband and I both had our favorite name choices: mine was Tonya and his was Donny and Starrene. I vetoed Starrene, feeling it was more suited for a cat! However, I did promise to use it if we were to have another daughter (secretly thinking he would forget the promise, and never planning on a third child). We combined Tonya and Donny, and came up with Donya! For years I thought we had made that name up. I later found out the name was derivative of the Spanish word for lady: Dona (there is a Tilda over the n) and a variant of Donna; an Italian word for lady. My daughter is quite an accomplished lady indeed! A sister/friend of mine liked the name so much that she named her granddaughter Donya as well. In recent years, I have come across more Donyas with the same exact spelling! Ten years later, I had a second daughter (oh-oh, I'd hoped he had forgotten my promise)! He remembered! So, Starrene it was! Supposedly, the name came from some comic book space queen he had read about as a teen. I relented because I would call her Starr! Well, let me tell you...she has always shone! Her personality is sparkly and she loves the spotlight!
Part II:
Did you know that teachers often make assumptions about children based the child's name? I am guilty of that...yes I know it's wrong to prejudge, but it's the reality of the situation. For example, whenever I got a student with the prefixes La, Na, Qua, Sha, or De before their names, or tique as a suffix. I knew I would be dealing with behavioral issues. Think what you want to think about it, but I was more often correct than not. Another predictor for me were names that contained an apostrophe separating the beginning consonant from the rest of the name, as in T' Shanae.That would be a double whammy name! I would not make any disparaging comments, single them out or deliberately focus on their names as predictors of their success or failure. I did try to gain their trust so that we would start out on a positive tip. Sometimes it worked, but as I stated earlier, these were usually the most difficult of my students! I have yet to figure it out! I also don't think it is wise to name your children after characters from horror movies! One of my most recent difficult students was a little boy named Damien! Need I explain? I think not! I don't think I operated on The Self-fulfilling Prophecy Theory, that predicted failure because I had realistic expectations for all of my students! I realistically expected them to perform to the best of their ability, and to leave with more knowledge than they came with. No brag...just fact!
Part III:
Some people assume that unusual names are only heard in the so-called "ghetto." Well, some names that are presumed to be "ghetto" are really of African, Native American, or Arabic origin, so what makes them "ghetto" names? A possible answer is that since these name are primarily given to African-American children, they are labeled "ghetto." Names like, Aisha, Keisha, LaKeisha are more likely heard in communities of color than other communities. How many of us don't know a Keisha? Well, you might be surprised to learn that "Keisha" is derived for the Hebrew name "Kezia", which is from the Cassia tree! The addition of La in front of Keisha was added by free people of color in Louisiana! In my early days of teaching, I was a pre- school teacher in a day care center. I have a distinct memory of a little boy in my class named "Akhenaten", which is Egyptian for devoted to "Aten." I also knew a girl for my daughter's dance class named Nefertari; also Egyptian. I could but won't go on and on to illustrate that not all so called "ghetto" names are really that. Ethnic?!
Part III:
That being said, there are some names that truly are Ghetto! If you name your child after cars, perfume, liquor, pets or dead Latin phrases for example, that's Ghetto! Here are some actual names I know of that were given to children: Moet, Alize, Aviance, Quo Vadis. I also knew a girl named Vendetta!...Her mom must have really been angry with her baby's father or maybe she named her Vendetta to get even with someone in her life? I am not letting celebrities off the hook either! They may not be called Ghetto names, but they sure qualify as "different" in my book.
Moon Unit and Dweezle Zappa; children of Frank Zappa (was he high?)
Seven, Puma and Mars; Erykah Badu's (fits her personality)
Rumer and Scout; Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
Bluedaydreamer; Big Gipp
Apple; Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin
Brooklyn Mowgli; Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz
Pilot Inspektor; Jason Lee
Suri; Tom Cruise (a cute name)
Shiloh Nouvel; Angelina and Brad
Blue Angel; The Edge of U2
Fuschia; Sting (do rock stars love colors?)
Bluebell Madonna; Geri Halliwell of The Spice Girls
Camera; Arthur Ashe
Memphis Eve; Bono
Jett; The Travlotas; ( a cute one)
Sage Moonblood; Sly Stallone
Willow; The Will Smiths; (I love it!)
Ocean; Forest Whitaker; (makes sense a Forest would have an Ocean)
River and Leaf Phoenix; (the children of former hippies?)
Prince Michael first and ? (Micheal had more than one Prince)
Fantasia; (has a fantastic voice, but named after a Disney movie? really now!)
Part IV:
Back in the day, especially in the south, people often feminized male names and gave them to their daughters. I don't know why, but my theory is that this was the mother's way of convincing the father that the baby is indeed his or to let other women know that the man was taken, by virtue of a child having his name. Just a thought. How many Jamesettas'or Johnny Maes' do you know? Another trend was to name children after presidents or other great leaders; especially post slavery. My father was named Warren Harding. I am sure we all know Theodore Roosevelts, George Washingtons and Frederick Douglasses! my mother named me after an actress she admired: Beverly Garland. I have a sister named Ricksine (?) and a sister named Shira. Shira is a Hebrew name meaning poetry. Is Shira a poet? You bet! She wrote some prolific song lyrics in her younger years, that can be heard on an album that she recorded at the tender age of sixteen. One cut from the album; "The Line Of Time And The Plane Of Now" can be heard on MySpace as part of the compilation CD; Women Of The Canyon.
Now, it's your turn...what are some "different" names you have come across or just know someone with?
What's in a name? Apparently, everything! Did you know that what you name a child can influence their personality, behavior, achievements, vocations, levels of creativity, and more? I have been thinking about my own choice of names for my three children, and their personalities. Sorry Rhett children but in order to write this piece, I will have to do some "name dropping." I am not trying to invade your privacy, but to accurately state my position on this topic, I must do this. I named my first born; a son, Shannon. I considered Sean, but a friend had her son first and named him Sean. So, I had to think again. I decided not to name my son after his father; James, because I wanted him to have his own "unique" name. Looking through a newspaper, I saw the name Shannon. I instantly liked the sound of it, so Shannon it would be! Mind you, when I first saw the name, I was not even expecting! I tucked it away for future consideration. I did concede and gave my son his father's first name as a middle name. Upon researching further, I discovered the origin of the name. It is Gaelic and contains the root of the word "wise". Maybe that explains why my son was reading The New York Times at the age of two, and had knowledge of Egyptian culture well beyond his years! My second born was a daughter and my husband and I both had our favorite name choices: mine was Tonya and his was Donny and Starrene. I vetoed Starrene, feeling it was more suited for a cat! However, I did promise to use it if we were to have another daughter (secretly thinking he would forget the promise, and never planning on a third child). We combined Tonya and Donny, and came up with Donya! For years I thought we had made that name up. I later found out the name was derivative of the Spanish word for lady: Dona (there is a Tilda over the n) and a variant of Donna; an Italian word for lady. My daughter is quite an accomplished lady indeed! A sister/friend of mine liked the name so much that she named her granddaughter Donya as well. In recent years, I have come across more Donyas with the same exact spelling! Ten years later, I had a second daughter (oh-oh, I'd hoped he had forgotten my promise)! He remembered! So, Starrene it was! Supposedly, the name came from some comic book space queen he had read about as a teen. I relented because I would call her Starr! Well, let me tell you...she has always shone! Her personality is sparkly and she loves the spotlight!
Part II:
Did you know that teachers often make assumptions about children based the child's name? I am guilty of that...yes I know it's wrong to prejudge, but it's the reality of the situation. For example, whenever I got a student with the prefixes La, Na, Qua, Sha, or De before their names, or tique as a suffix. I knew I would be dealing with behavioral issues. Think what you want to think about it, but I was more often correct than not. Another predictor for me were names that contained an apostrophe separating the beginning consonant from the rest of the name, as in T' Shanae.That would be a double whammy name! I would not make any disparaging comments, single them out or deliberately focus on their names as predictors of their success or failure. I did try to gain their trust so that we would start out on a positive tip. Sometimes it worked, but as I stated earlier, these were usually the most difficult of my students! I have yet to figure it out! I also don't think it is wise to name your children after characters from horror movies! One of my most recent difficult students was a little boy named Damien! Need I explain? I think not! I don't think I operated on The Self-fulfilling Prophecy Theory, that predicted failure because I had realistic expectations for all of my students! I realistically expected them to perform to the best of their ability, and to leave with more knowledge than they came with. No brag...just fact!
Part III:
Some people assume that unusual names are only heard in the so-called "ghetto." Well, some names that are presumed to be "ghetto" are really of African, Native American, or Arabic origin, so what makes them "ghetto" names? A possible answer is that since these name are primarily given to African-American children, they are labeled "ghetto." Names like, Aisha, Keisha, LaKeisha are more likely heard in communities of color than other communities. How many of us don't know a Keisha? Well, you might be surprised to learn that "Keisha" is derived for the Hebrew name "Kezia", which is from the Cassia tree! The addition of La in front of Keisha was added by free people of color in Louisiana! In my early days of teaching, I was a pre- school teacher in a day care center. I have a distinct memory of a little boy in my class named "Akhenaten", which is Egyptian for devoted to "Aten." I also knew a girl for my daughter's dance class named Nefertari; also Egyptian. I could but won't go on and on to illustrate that not all so called "ghetto" names are really that. Ethnic?!
Part III:
That being said, there are some names that truly are Ghetto! If you name your child after cars, perfume, liquor, pets or dead Latin phrases for example, that's Ghetto! Here are some actual names I know of that were given to children: Moet, Alize, Aviance, Quo Vadis. I also knew a girl named Vendetta!...Her mom must have really been angry with her baby's father or maybe she named her Vendetta to get even with someone in her life? I am not letting celebrities off the hook either! They may not be called Ghetto names, but they sure qualify as "different" in my book.
Moon Unit and Dweezle Zappa; children of Frank Zappa (was he high?)
Seven, Puma and Mars; Erykah Badu's (fits her personality)
Rumer and Scout; Bruce Willis and Demi Moore
Bluedaydreamer; Big Gipp
Apple; Gwyneth Paltrow and Chris Martin
Brooklyn Mowgli; Ashlee Simpson and Pete Wentz
Pilot Inspektor; Jason Lee
Suri; Tom Cruise (a cute name)
Shiloh Nouvel; Angelina and Brad
Blue Angel; The Edge of U2
Fuschia; Sting (do rock stars love colors?)
Bluebell Madonna; Geri Halliwell of The Spice Girls
Camera; Arthur Ashe
Memphis Eve; Bono
Jett; The Travlotas; ( a cute one)
Sage Moonblood; Sly Stallone
Willow; The Will Smiths; (I love it!)
Ocean; Forest Whitaker; (makes sense a Forest would have an Ocean)
River and Leaf Phoenix; (the children of former hippies?)
Prince Michael first and ? (Micheal had more than one Prince)
Fantasia; (has a fantastic voice, but named after a Disney movie? really now!)
Part IV:
Back in the day, especially in the south, people often feminized male names and gave them to their daughters. I don't know why, but my theory is that this was the mother's way of convincing the father that the baby is indeed his or to let other women know that the man was taken, by virtue of a child having his name. Just a thought. How many Jamesettas'or Johnny Maes' do you know? Another trend was to name children after presidents or other great leaders; especially post slavery. My father was named Warren Harding. I am sure we all know Theodore Roosevelts, George Washingtons and Frederick Douglasses! my mother named me after an actress she admired: Beverly Garland. I have a sister named Ricksine (?) and a sister named Shira. Shira is a Hebrew name meaning poetry. Is Shira a poet? You bet! She wrote some prolific song lyrics in her younger years, that can be heard on an album that she recorded at the tender age of sixteen. One cut from the album; "The Line Of Time And The Plane Of Now" can be heard on MySpace as part of the compilation CD; Women Of The Canyon.
Now, it's your turn...what are some "different" names you have come across or just know someone with?
"The Name Game"
Thursday, December 17, 2009
"Teach Me Tonight" - Dinah Washington
Good morning peeps!! I recently retired from teaching and I have been reflecting on my decision. I decided that the stress and day to day shenanigans of an overbearing, anal retentive (her own assessment of herself) supervisor; extremely disruptive and emotionally disturbed youngsters, and an inordinate amount of testing and paper work, was more than I could endure at this point in my life. So, even though I was receiving a six figure salary and was at the top of the salary scale, I left the profession.
For twenty seven years, I tried to do my best to teach, nurture, inspire, encourage, motivate and prepare young children for a lifetime of learning. I loved it at times and at other times, I felt overwhelmed; overwhelmed because I had to do more than just teach. Often, the children needed plain old mothering and understanding; someone to hear them. I was all that and more! I can say this because many students and their families told me this...and I appreciate it. Although I am a Special Education Teacher, I had parents of General Education students, asking to get their children in my class! They were often disappointed when I had to explain that their child didn't qualify because they hadn't been diagnosed with any disability. I've had former students return and tell me that their time in my class was some of their fondest childhood memories. I've had students slip and call me "mommy" very often.
I have letters: "crush letters", "I wish you were my mommy" letters, "thank you from parent letters", typical boy/girl letters, etc.; possibly enough for a book! I've experienced violent students who were intent on hurting (killing) other students and in some cases, teachers; I've had to talk a ten-year-old into giving me the butcher knife he had in his backpack, which he intended to kill another student with. I have had to console a student who was being sexually abused by her own brother; I had a student whose mother and teen-aged brother were murdered in front of his eyes when he was ten! I have never been assaulted by a student but I have been cursed at by a six or seven year old! Oh yeah, and bitten on my arm! I've had to diffuse many a volatile situation; confiscate weapons, pills, etc etc etc. I have had to deal with difficult parents, flirtatious fathers, and in the beginning of my career, a male principal who tried to hit on me and other teachers. He was eventually fired on allegations of sexually abusing an eleven year old female student, and was never heard from again!
I have few regrets though, because it must be what God intended for me. Even though I went to a school for fashion designing (I liked to draw and design clothing), as a child, I was always reading and teaching younger children trivia; my siblings can attest to this. So I guess I was destined to teach! I will never stop being a teacher.
However, my reason for writing this has less to do with my experiences, but more to do with what's been in the news about teachers lately. Shameful situations that, if true, make teachers look bad and is not good for the teaching profession. I understand the stress of the job; believe me I do, but these recent incidents, if true, are beyond explanation! Two female high school teachers in Brooklyn, New York caught naked in an empty classroom by the school's janitor? Another female teacher from that same school accused of having sex with a male student! A Milwaukee teacher accused of cutting off a little girl's braid, with the explanation that she was stressed out?...what??? If that had happened in NYC...that teacher would have been sent to the infamous "rubber room;" a holding center for teachers who've been accused of wrong doing, but whose cases haven't been proven yet. I have a colleague who has spent the latter part of his career in the "rubber room" (sent there on two separate occasions) on full salary! And he has a PhD! Teachers...hang in there! What you are doing is so important!
Please, I know you are dealing with a lot of stress; but please, please, please...think about what you do and what you can stand to lose. A school is not the place to act out your sexual fantasies and you know good and well you should not touch any child in an aggressive manner! Cutting off a child's braid? Are you kidding me? If this is true, you need to be removed from the classroom, because this indicates some emotional instability on your part and you need to get counseling...quickly! Weigh in here my daughter, the psychologist. I'm putting on my Dee-jay hat again, to dedicate these songs to my fellow teachers.
For twenty seven years, I tried to do my best to teach, nurture, inspire, encourage, motivate and prepare young children for a lifetime of learning. I loved it at times and at other times, I felt overwhelmed; overwhelmed because I had to do more than just teach. Often, the children needed plain old mothering and understanding; someone to hear them. I was all that and more! I can say this because many students and their families told me this...and I appreciate it. Although I am a Special Education Teacher, I had parents of General Education students, asking to get their children in my class! They were often disappointed when I had to explain that their child didn't qualify because they hadn't been diagnosed with any disability. I've had former students return and tell me that their time in my class was some of their fondest childhood memories. I've had students slip and call me "mommy" very often.
I have letters: "crush letters", "I wish you were my mommy" letters, "thank you from parent letters", typical boy/girl letters, etc.; possibly enough for a book! I've experienced violent students who were intent on hurting (killing) other students and in some cases, teachers; I've had to talk a ten-year-old into giving me the butcher knife he had in his backpack, which he intended to kill another student with. I have had to console a student who was being sexually abused by her own brother; I had a student whose mother and teen-aged brother were murdered in front of his eyes when he was ten! I have never been assaulted by a student but I have been cursed at by a six or seven year old! Oh yeah, and bitten on my arm! I've had to diffuse many a volatile situation; confiscate weapons, pills, etc etc etc. I have had to deal with difficult parents, flirtatious fathers, and in the beginning of my career, a male principal who tried to hit on me and other teachers. He was eventually fired on allegations of sexually abusing an eleven year old female student, and was never heard from again!
I have few regrets though, because it must be what God intended for me. Even though I went to a school for fashion designing (I liked to draw and design clothing), as a child, I was always reading and teaching younger children trivia; my siblings can attest to this. So I guess I was destined to teach! I will never stop being a teacher.
However, my reason for writing this has less to do with my experiences, but more to do with what's been in the news about teachers lately. Shameful situations that, if true, make teachers look bad and is not good for the teaching profession. I understand the stress of the job; believe me I do, but these recent incidents, if true, are beyond explanation! Two female high school teachers in Brooklyn, New York caught naked in an empty classroom by the school's janitor? Another female teacher from that same school accused of having sex with a male student! A Milwaukee teacher accused of cutting off a little girl's braid, with the explanation that she was stressed out?...what??? If that had happened in NYC...that teacher would have been sent to the infamous "rubber room;" a holding center for teachers who've been accused of wrong doing, but whose cases haven't been proven yet. I have a colleague who has spent the latter part of his career in the "rubber room" (sent there on two separate occasions) on full salary! And he has a PhD! Teachers...hang in there! What you are doing is so important!
Please, I know you are dealing with a lot of stress; but please, please, please...think about what you do and what you can stand to lose. A school is not the place to act out your sexual fantasies and you know good and well you should not touch any child in an aggressive manner! Cutting off a child's braid? Are you kidding me? If this is true, you need to be removed from the classroom, because this indicates some emotional instability on your part and you need to get counseling...quickly! Weigh in here my daughter, the psychologist. I'm putting on my Dee-jay hat again, to dedicate these songs to my fellow teachers.
My play list for teachers
1. Teach Me Tonight - Dinah Washington's version
2. Wonderful World - Sam Cooke ( I taught this song to my class and the bilingual kindergarten class for their moving up ceremony, two years ago and they loved it!)
3. ABC - The Jackson Five ( I had my Kindergartners march in on this on their "moving up" day )
4. 1-2-3 - Len Barry
5. School Is Out -Gary "U.S." Bonds
6. School Days - Chuck Berry
7. Back To School - Bo Diddley
8. Brick In The Wall - Pink Floyd
9. Be True To Your School - Beach Boys
10. Charlie Brown - The Coasters
11. Don't Be A Dropout - James Brown
12. Hot For Teacher - Van Halen
13. To Sir With Love - Lulu (gave me goosebumps when I first heard it!)
14. Teacher's Pet - Doris Day
15. Hot Fun In The Summertime - Sly And The Family Stone
16. Swingin' School - Bobby Rydell
17. Rock 'n' Roll High School - The Ramones
18. I Love College - Asher Roth
19. College Drop Out - Kanye West
20. My Old School - Steely Dan
6. School Days - Chuck Berry
7. Back To School - Bo Diddley
8. Brick In The Wall - Pink Floyd
9. Be True To Your School - Beach Boys
10. Charlie Brown - The Coasters
11. Don't Be A Dropout - James Brown
12. Hot For Teacher - Van Halen
13. To Sir With Love - Lulu (gave me goosebumps when I first heard it!)
14. Teacher's Pet - Doris Day
15. Hot Fun In The Summertime - Sly And The Family Stone
16. Swingin' School - Bobby Rydell
17. Rock 'n' Roll High School - The Ramones
18. I Love College - Asher Roth
19. College Drop Out - Kanye West
20. My Old School - Steely Dan
"Teach Me Tonight"
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
"Back Door Santa" - B B King
Good morning peeps!! Ever notice how R and B singers add their own soulful flavor to traditional Christmas songs? Some even redo traditional songs that become classics like, "White Christmas" by The Drifters, which in my opinion, is the ultimate R and B Christmas song! What? With Clyde McPhatter doing his signature falsetto lead tenor, and the legendary Bill Pinkney coming in with a booming bass! One of my fondest childhood Christmas memories is of company coming over on Christmas Eve to party, and my mother and father always having the latest music playing. White Christmas was a sure 'nuff tradition in my household! I can remember my singing uncles performing this and other songs, as my cousin Ernest played his guitar! Uncle Elmo sang bass as my mother did Clyde's part. Boy, those were good times! So, in the spirit of are my favorite R and B Christmas songs. Please as always, add your favorites! These are in no particular order.
1. White Christmas - The Drifters
2. Merry Christmas Baby - Charles Brown
3. Silent Night - The Temptations
4. The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole
5. This Christmas - Donny Hathaway
6. Do You Hear What I Hear? - Whitney Houston
7. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - J5
8. Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt
9. Little Drummer Boy - The Supremes
10.Back Door Santa - B B King
1. White Christmas - The Drifters
2. Merry Christmas Baby - Charles Brown
3. Silent Night - The Temptations
4. The Christmas Song - Nat King Cole
5. This Christmas - Donny Hathaway
6. Do You Hear What I Hear? - Whitney Houston
7. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town - J5
8. Santa Baby - Eartha Kitt
9. Little Drummer Boy - The Supremes
10.Back Door Santa - B B King
"Back Door Santa"
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
"I Wish" - Stevie Wonder
Good morning peeps!! There is something about this time of year that makes adults feel nostalgic. It often manifests as a feeling of sadness, a sense of loss, a desire to return to simpler times in our lives; or maybe even a feeling of elation for some, who anticipate reuniting with family or friends. For me, it is all of the above. Sadness because I'm reminded that time waits for no one and our lives are moving forward, into the realm of the unknown; global warming, financial uncertainty, ongoing warfare, threats of terrorism, etc. Not a pretty picture! Sense of loss because some of us no longer have our parents or other beloved family members, who were such a part of our childhoods, and with whom we spent many a holiday season with. A desire to return to simpler times in our lives because someone else was captaining our ships and we had little to worry about. As Stevie Wonder sings it: "When my only worry, was for Christmas what would be my toy." A-h-h-h...I Wish! However, as Kool and The Gang sings: "Cherish The Loves We Have..." No, we can't go back to our simpler lives; our joyous childhood days; our blissful innocence. We can only make the best of our lives in the here and now, so here's to you all...Happy Holidays!!!
"I Wish"
Monday, December 14, 2009
"Little Red Riding Hood" - Sam The Sham
Good morning peeps!! Did you know that fairy tales, nursery rhymes and folktales are some of the most violent, misogynistic, homophobic stories there ever was??? You didn't did you? After years of teaching and reading these stories to countless numbers of innocent children, I have now had the time to really analyze and dissect the hidden and not so hidden meanings in these beloved tales. I will now present my take on the meanings of those suspect fairy tales! Disclaimer: this is all tongue in cheek.
"Three Blind Mice, See How They Run, They All Ran After The Farmer's Wife, Who Cut Off Their Tails With A Carving Knife, Did You Ever See Such A Sight In Your Life As Three Blind Mice?" Now for the real deal:
The three blind mice were three black guys wearing shades. They were all getting favors from the farmer's wife, who was white. One day, the farmer came home and caught them in action, so the wife yelled, "they violated me" and she took off running after them with a carving knife! She was planning on doing a Lorena Bobbitt, but they got away...and that's the truth!
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, you know; the story of the young woman who ended up living with seven male "little people"; most of whom were old enough to be her grandfather! Give me a break! The real deal is that Snow worked for an escort service; was hired by these old geezers, and tried to take care of all seven at one time. She was paid handsomely for this by the way.
Cinderella: really about a dysfunctional blended family, headed by a domineering step-mother, two homely, frustrated step-sisters and an absent, weak willed father. But we knew this already.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears: Home invasion...plain and simple!
Little Miss Muffet: An innocent little girl eating her curds and whey was lured by a pedophile to sit on his lap! Sat on a tuffet indeed! Umm-hum; we know what a tuffet really is, don't we? The shame of it is that he was her own relative!
Mary Had A Little Lamb: "and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go, he followed her to school one day..." The real deal is that Mary has a stalker, who wore a lamb's costume. Unfortunately, Mary's order of protection didn't prevent him from stalking her. Mary eventually hired a body guard!
Hansel and Gretel: Child abuse and pedophilia...she wanted to eat them!
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater: "Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater, had a wife and couldn't keep her, he put her in a pumpkin shell, and there he kept her very well" First of all, Peter was a philandering husband; as in Tiger Woods trifling. What does it mean that "he had a wife and couldn't keep her?" He was rich!! The Pumpkin shell is a metaphor for the mansion in the gated community he put her in, so he could carry on with his other women. He just knew his wife was none the wiser, but she was on to his exploits. Little did he know that his wife was having her own trysts...with Little Boy Blue!" Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn was a code for, Tiger isn't home, so come on over..."
Little Red Riding Hood: Home girl was a fast little thing, who used to dress up in a red cape with a hoodie. She would sneak out of the house and go across town to meet up with her boyfriend, Wolf. When her mother became suspicious, Red claimed she was going to visit her sick grandmother. Her mother wasn't stupid, so she had Red followed. When confronted, Red threw her boyfriend Wolf, under the bus. He got arrested for kidnapping, home invasion and other charges. Little Red got over once again!
Wee Willie Winkie: "Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown"...come on now, isn't this one self-explanatory y'all?
And finally, Jack and Jill: you and I know they did not go up that hill to fetch any pail of water!
And may you live happily ever after!
"Three Blind Mice, See How They Run, They All Ran After The Farmer's Wife, Who Cut Off Their Tails With A Carving Knife, Did You Ever See Such A Sight In Your Life As Three Blind Mice?" Now for the real deal:
The three blind mice were three black guys wearing shades. They were all getting favors from the farmer's wife, who was white. One day, the farmer came home and caught them in action, so the wife yelled, "they violated me" and she took off running after them with a carving knife! She was planning on doing a Lorena Bobbitt, but they got away...and that's the truth!
Snow White and The Seven Dwarfs, you know; the story of the young woman who ended up living with seven male "little people"; most of whom were old enough to be her grandfather! Give me a break! The real deal is that Snow worked for an escort service; was hired by these old geezers, and tried to take care of all seven at one time. She was paid handsomely for this by the way.
Cinderella: really about a dysfunctional blended family, headed by a domineering step-mother, two homely, frustrated step-sisters and an absent, weak willed father. But we knew this already.
Goldilocks and The Three Bears: Home invasion...plain and simple!
Little Miss Muffet: An innocent little girl eating her curds and whey was lured by a pedophile to sit on his lap! Sat on a tuffet indeed! Umm-hum; we know what a tuffet really is, don't we? The shame of it is that he was her own relative!
Mary Had A Little Lamb: "and everywhere that Mary went, the lamb was sure to go, he followed her to school one day..." The real deal is that Mary has a stalker, who wore a lamb's costume. Unfortunately, Mary's order of protection didn't prevent him from stalking her. Mary eventually hired a body guard!
Hansel and Gretel: Child abuse and pedophilia...she wanted to eat them!
Peter, Peter, Pumpkin Eater: "Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater, had a wife and couldn't keep her, he put her in a pumpkin shell, and there he kept her very well" First of all, Peter was a philandering husband; as in Tiger Woods trifling. What does it mean that "he had a wife and couldn't keep her?" He was rich!! The Pumpkin shell is a metaphor for the mansion in the gated community he put her in, so he could carry on with his other women. He just knew his wife was none the wiser, but she was on to his exploits. Little did he know that his wife was having her own trysts...with Little Boy Blue!" Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn was a code for, Tiger isn't home, so come on over..."
Little Red Riding Hood: Home girl was a fast little thing, who used to dress up in a red cape with a hoodie. She would sneak out of the house and go across town to meet up with her boyfriend, Wolf. When her mother became suspicious, Red claimed she was going to visit her sick grandmother. Her mother wasn't stupid, so she had Red followed. When confronted, Red threw her boyfriend Wolf, under the bus. He got arrested for kidnapping, home invasion and other charges. Little Red got over once again!
Wee Willie Winkie: "Wee Willie Winkie runs through the town, upstairs and downstairs in his nightgown"...come on now, isn't this one self-explanatory y'all?
And finally, Jack and Jill: you and I know they did not go up that hill to fetch any pail of water!
And may you live happily ever after!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
"The Christmas Song" - Nat King Cole
Good morning peeps!! "Silver Bells, Silver Bells, it's Christmas time in the city"...New York City at Christmas time is a sight to behold! In the hood you see festive decorations, signs in store windows luring you in with the promise of 50% off something that was marked up 400% in the first place; people rushing around trying to pick up that elusive toy that they probably really can't afford, but their child has got to have. You leave the hood; go downtown...there you see the wide-eyed tourists looking shell shocked! Macy's windows decorated cleverly; mesmerizing you...enticing you to come in and shop till you drop. Fifth Avenue. Park Avenue. Lexington Avenue. Grand Central Station. Penn Station. Rushing, pushing, shopping, gazing, wandering, meandering, spending. Crowded streets, street vendors, pick-pockets, hustlers, homeless. The only thing missing right now is snow! What? No, wait...I hope it doesn't snow! Gone are the days when I marveled at the beauty of pristine, white snow! Now, I worry about having to clear it from in front of my house! Ahhhh...Christmas in New York!
Saturday, December 12, 2009
"Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" - Jackson Five
Good evening peeps!! "It's the most wonderful time of the year...with the kids jingle belling and everyone telling you be of good cheer, it's the most wonderful time of the year". What are some of your fondest childhood memories of Christmas time? How old were you when you stopped believing in the myth of Santa Claus? Who exposed it? I don't actually remember when or how I stopped believing in the myth of Santa Claus. I don't recall how old I was either...I think I was about 25! No, just kidding! As hard as my father worked to put food on our table, clothes on our backs and a roof over our heads, it still made perfect sense to me that an obese, white bearded, red suited, black boots wearing caucasian man, would come into my ghetto neighborhood and bring me toys!!! We didn't even have a chimney! Even stranger to believe (in hindsight), is that he would come pass midnight! I grew up in Harlem and The South Bronx afterall! Boy! Kids are so naive! Those should have been the red flags! But my ignorance was so blissful, that I even imagined that I caught a glimpse of Santa's black boots coming down my basement stairs, as I stealithly peeked out my bedroom window! Phew! Mama, daddy...please accept my gratitude to you for allowing me to revel in my fantasy...I appreciate you, love you; miss you both dearly...RIP.
"Santa Claus Is Coming To Town"
Friday, December 11, 2009
"He's A Cold Hearted Snake"- Paula Abdul
Good evening peeps!!If I felt sympathy for that Cablinasian male before, I certainly don't now...there; it's off my chest. So how's everybody today? If it sounds like I'm fishing around, that's because I am. I might quite possibly be at a loss for a topic today...I know y'all are tired of hearing about you know who, right? Huuummm, I've decided not to call what I do a blog; I'm thinking of calling it a "sog" as in sassy old gal, or it could even stand for sorry old gossip. Reason? I think blog is passe! I have copyrighted the term "sog" so if you are thinking of using it...don't! Lol! That's all for now folks.Haven't eaten yet... had a long day at the doctor's office, dealing with some annoying, bureaucratic insurance issues. Did get a flu shot though...have you gotten your's yet?
"Cold Hearted Snake"
Thursday, December 10, 2009
"Knock On Wood" by Eddie Floyd
Good morning peeps! A west coast friend suggested that I change the greeting font, so I am going to try a different one for today. I may decide to change it each time I write a piece...I will see. He also said he doesn't like the word "blog" so my mind goes into overdrive trying to come up with an original word to replace "blog". Please send me your suggestions and I will take them into consideration. Be prepared to rationalize your choice of word because I won't change just for the sake of changing...there has to be a reason for your rhyme! That's how I roll! I'm already thinking "clog" instead of "blog" because I tend to "clog" your brain with trivialities; or "Sog" because I am a "sassy old gal"...Lol...where did that come from? Anywhoo, you have probably surmised that I am rambling on today; I am. I woke up with several ideas swirling around my vapid brain, but everything came back to Tiger Woods! I promise you, I am not kicking the Cablinasian while he is down (notice I didn't say brother...), but this is such a topical, shocking, titillating story! So, I dedicate today's blog, clog or sog to all things Tiger. Of course this has to include songs!!!
Did you know that all tigers have different stripe patterns? Like snowflakes or fingerprints, they are all unique.
Did you know that tigers are solitary animals, as opposed to lions who live in prides or groups?
Did you know that there are more than 100 stripes on a tiger?
A tiger's roar can be heard from over a mile away...huuummm; so that explains how his wife caught him...she heard him roaring after one of his trysts!
A tiger marks it's territory by spraying trees and bushes contained inside it's, that's why he ran into that tree...he was marking his territory!
The tendons in a tiger's leg are very strong. So strong in fact, that they have been known to remain standing even after being shot dead! Wow!
There are 9 subspecies of tigers: Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Sumatran, Siberian, Southern China, and 3 extinct subspecies: Balinese, Javan and Caspian. So, where does Cablinasian fit in? OK, enough of the boring tiger facts.
Songs about tigers:
1. Eye of The Tiger, by Survivor
2. Hold That Tiger, by The Mills Brothers
3. Tiger style ( that what it's called?) by DJ Hype
4. When The Tigers Broke Free, by Pink Floyd
5. I'm A Tiger, by Lulu
6. Tiger, by ABBA
7. Tiger Rag, by Les Paul and Mary Ford
8. Paper Tiger, by Beck
9. Tiger Man, by Elvis Presley
10.Fear Da Tiger, by Bootsy Collins
11.Taming The Tiger, by Joni Mitchell
12.I've Got A Tiger By The Tail, by Buck Owens
13.Tiger, Tiger, by Duran, Duran
Facts about tigers
Did you know that all tigers have different stripe patterns? Like snowflakes or fingerprints, they are all unique.
Did you know that tigers are solitary animals, as opposed to lions who live in prides or groups?
Did you know that there are more than 100 stripes on a tiger?
A tiger's roar can be heard from over a mile away...huuummm; so that explains how his wife caught him...she heard him roaring after one of his trysts!
A tiger marks it's territory by spraying trees and bushes contained inside it's, that's why he ran into that tree...he was marking his territory!
The tendons in a tiger's leg are very strong. So strong in fact, that they have been known to remain standing even after being shot dead! Wow!
There are 9 subspecies of tigers: Bengal, Indochinese, Malayan, Sumatran, Siberian, Southern China, and 3 extinct subspecies: Balinese, Javan and Caspian. So, where does Cablinasian fit in? OK, enough of the boring tiger facts.
Songs about tigers:
1. Eye of The Tiger, by Survivor
2. Hold That Tiger, by The Mills Brothers
3. Tiger style ( that what it's called?) by DJ Hype
4. When The Tigers Broke Free, by Pink Floyd
5. I'm A Tiger, by Lulu
6. Tiger, by ABBA
7. Tiger Rag, by Les Paul and Mary Ford
8. Paper Tiger, by Beck
9. Tiger Man, by Elvis Presley
10.Fear Da Tiger, by Bootsy Collins
11.Taming The Tiger, by Joni Mitchell
12.I've Got A Tiger By The Tail, by Buck Owens
13.Tiger, Tiger, by Duran, Duran
I don't like to end on an odd number but this all I have...what you got?
Random: Who remembers Tiger Beat Magazine? How ironic a title, right? Ciao!
Random: Who remembers Tiger Beat Magazine? How ironic a title, right? Ciao!
"Knock On Wood"
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
"Please, Please, Please" - James Brown
Good afternoon peeps! It took a minute but I have my topic for today: The Top Begging and or Forgiveness Songs! Remember, I think in terms of music and the news of late has been about about cheating and sneaking into places uninvited. So, here is my list. Of course you may add yours too!
2. Take Me Back, by Little Anthony and The Imperials
Toodie's Top Begging and/or Forgiveness Songs
1. Please, Please, Please, by James Brown
2. Take Me Back, by Little Anthony and The Imperials
3. I'm Sorry, by Brenda Lee
4. You Are Always On My Mind, by Willie Nelson
5. Try Again, by Champagne
6. At This Moment, by Billy Vera
7. Working My Way Back To You Babe, by The Spinners
8. Forgive Me, by Leona Lewis
9. Crawl, by Chris Brown
10. Try A Little Tenderness, by Otis Redding
11. I Want You Back, by The J5
12. Let's Stay Together, by Al Green
13. Reunited, by Peaches and Herb
14. We Can Work It Out, by The Beatles
15. You Oughta Know, by Alanis Morissette
16. I've Been Loving You Too Long, by Otis Redding
17. When A Man Loves A Woman, by Percy Sledge
18. Breaking Up Is So Very Hard To Do, by Jerry Butler
19. What's So Good About Goodbye?, by The Miracles
20. I'm Losing You, by The Temptations
Honorable mentions: any song by Keith Sweat (always begging); and Cry Me A River, by Justin Timberlake
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
"Stand By Your Man" - Tina Turner's version
Good morning peeps! Not to "beat a dead horse"( or tiger)...but it's all that's in the news these days. In fact, the most recent development is quite bizarre! A blond female was taken from Tiger's home on a stretcher; on some sort of life support. Also, maybe Elin has finally had enough because according to news sources, she has left the building! So, topic for today...should you stand by a cheating man? Should you stay for the money? For the sake of the children? Recently, there have been many high profile wives that have had to make this decision.! Hillary stayed with Bill...stained dress and all! Tina Turner not only endured the blatant cheating, but a-- whuppings too! Kobe's wife got jewelry! Shaq's wife, Michael's wife, the many politicians wives...the list is endless! Ladies, what would you do?
"Stand By Your Man?"
Sunday, December 6, 2009
"Teddy Bear" - Elvis Presley
Good afternoon peeps! Question: What is it about Teddy Bears that females like? Now I mean Teddy Bear both as the physical, stuffed toy ones and the metaphorical real ones. As a child and even into our teen-aged years, a lot of us females had some type of stuffed animal, doll or Teddy Bear that we hugged from time to time. It might have been for comfort, feeling secure or just to share secrets and imagined affection with. Some of us carried this fondness for stuffed animals into our adult lives and possibly even passed it on to our own daughters or sons. Upon entering adulthood, we might have transferred this affection to another type of Teddy Bear...a real man! Now, not all men qualify as Teddy Bears; they are a special breed. My definition of a "Teddy Bear" type of man is as follows: large or tall build, chocolate brown, cuddly looking, soft spoken; he exhibits a caring attitude as opposed to self-assured arrogance, and he aims to please his woman. Don't get it twisted though; he can hold his own against any man or (woman) and can be tough when the situation calls for it. He usually treats a woman with the utmost respect and tenderness, leading a certain type of female to take advantage of him. Once he is taken advantage of, he tends to distrust women for a minute, until he meets a trustworthy one again. When he does...look out! You are probably in for good love and caring! Certainly, my description is not the end-all-be-all of what a Teddy Bear's just my opinion and definition. Disclaimer: Some Teddy Bears just play at it, so take my list with a grain of salt!
2. Teddy Pendergrass
3 .Delroy Lindo
4. Idris Elba
5. Ving Rhames
6. Keith Gailliard
7.Carl Lumbly
8. Otis Redding
9. Gerald Levert
10. Rosey Grier
Here are my top Teddy Bears of all time:
1.Warren H. Small, Sr. (My dad; RIP)2. Teddy Pendergrass
3 .Delroy Lindo
4. Idris Elba
5. Ving Rhames
6. Keith Gailliard
7.Carl Lumbly
8. Otis Redding
9. Gerald Levert
10. Rosey Grier
"Teddy Bear"
Saturday, December 5, 2009
"Wifey" - by Next
Good morning peeps! The song I woke up thinking about this morning is Wifey by Next. Now ordinarily, I don't give a rat's a-- about current or recent music; I'm an old head with old musical tastes. However, there have been a few exceptions in recent, it's been nine years (2000) since Wifey came out! I was a part of a "Ghetto Fabulous" wedding in Harlem that year as a bridesmaid, and Wifey was one of the songs played at the reception, along with other songs in that genre. Included were: Let's Get Married, by Jagged Edge and I Wanna Know by Joe, the latter being a favorite of mine. Anyway, with the Tiger Woods' cheating scandal being in the news daily, I've been thinking about infidelity in relationships; particularly marriage, and pondering that age old question: why do people cheat? Why are men more likely than women to cheat? Some even claim that cheating is in a man's DNA! Why are beautiful women like Halle Berry, Christie Brinkley, Priscilla Presley, etc cheated on? I know that being physically beautiful doesn't necessarily mean having the best disposition or even being passionate. In fact, maybe being physically beautiful causes some women ( or men ) to feel a sense of entitlement when it comes to their relationships with their spouses or partners, and they want the spouse to do all the to speak. Instead of a give and take partnership, it ends up being "one-sided" and the other partner isn't really being fulfilled. That being the case, the spouse will grow tired of that and seek pleasure elsewhere. ( I am not condoning, just rationalizing ). Of course there are a myriad of reasons why people in committed relationships or marriages cheat: sexual addictions, greed, unrealistic expectations about marriage, marrying too young. We can only speculate as to Tiger Woods' motives. A musician friend of mine suggests that women very much "throw themselves" at high profile, extremely popular and wealthy men like Tiger Woods; ( I think we all agree on that ). He says that he has even had it happen to him. Although he is far from rich, just being a bass player in bands made him the "object" of many a predatory groupies! Now that he's older and wiser but still plays, he contends that he isn't so easily lured in anymore...yeah right! But, back to the title, "Wifey." Fellas, what does it mean to you? Is it a term of endearment for a woman you want to marry? Is it a code word for the woman you are already married to, and used to encourage women to pursue you anyway? Does it apply to a woman you have been with for years but haven't married? Is it reserved for your main woman though you might be dealing with more than one at a time? Is it a positive or a negative word? I have been a wife, but have I been a "wifey?" Huummm? I have a sweet friend that calls me his "wifey" and guess what...It makes me smile!
Friday, December 4, 2009
"Me and Mrs. Jones" - Billy Paul
Good morning peeps! I missed you yesterday, because I was at The Bronx Zoo hanging with the lions and tigers and bears...oh my! However, I'm back today with my list of favorite "cheating" songs.Yeah, I know it's cheap and gratuitous, but hey...I didn't promise you a rose garden! I think in songs! Please add your favorites as well.
Favorite cheating songs
1. Me and Mrs. Jones - Billy Paul
2. Who Is He And What Is He To You? - Bill Withers
3. How Long Has This Been Going On? - Pablo Cruise
4. Kiss And Say Goodbye - The Manhattans
5. Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
6. Careless Whispers - George Michaels
7. If Loving You Is Wrong - Luther Ingram
8. I Saw You (and him) Walking In The Rain - Oran "Juice" Jones
9. Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
10. Me And Mrs. Jones - Billy Paul or The Dramatics's version
11. You, Me and He - Mtume
12. Your Cheating Heart - Hank Williams
13. I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Marvin Gaye
14. O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature
15. Slip Away - Clarence Carter
16. Stranger - LTD
18. Dark End Of The Street - James Carr
19. I'm In Love With The Other Woman - Ray Parker Junior
20. Torn Between Two Lovers - Mary Macgregor
4. Kiss And Say Goodbye - The Manhattans
5. Papa Was A Rolling Stone - The Temptations
6. Careless Whispers - George Michaels
7. If Loving You Is Wrong - Luther Ingram
8. I Saw You (and him) Walking In The Rain - Oran "Juice" Jones
9. Somebody Else's Guy - Jocelyn Brown
10. Me And Mrs. Jones - Billy Paul or The Dramatics's version
11. You, Me and He - Mtume
12. Your Cheating Heart - Hank Williams
13. I Heard It Through The Grapevine - Marvin Gaye
14. O.P.P. - Naughty By Nature
15. Slip Away - Clarence Carter
16. Stranger - LTD
17. Smokey Places - The Corsairs ( A favorite of mine since I was twelve; I was musically precocious I guess)
18. Dark End Of The Street - James Carr
19. I'm In Love With The Other Woman - Ray Parker Junior
20. Torn Between Two Lovers - Mary Macgregor
"Me And Mrs. Jones"
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
EAST COAST * WEST COAST DIVAS: "Who's Making Love To Your Old Lady, While You Were Out Making Love?" - Johnny Taylor
"Who's Making Love To Your Old Lady, While You Were Out Making Love?" - Johnny Taylor
Good morning peeps! Who besides me remembers that Esso Gasoline commercial that goes, "Put A Tiger In Your Tank?" Well, apparently Tiger does! He "allegedly" put a Tiger in more than one tank! Why oh why do high profile people think they are immune to being exposed for cheating? They are especially susceptible!!! Duh! In the past, Tiger Woods has been criticized for being racially confused (remember when he coined a new phrase to identify himself, rather than admit to being...BLACK and TAI...CABLINASIAN!). He has also been described as being "apolitical"...that is; never taking a stand on political or racial controversies. This was leveled against him and Michael Jordan at times. Who'd-a-thunk Tiger would be involved in a cheating scandal??? In interviews, he has been very private about his life but did openly declare his devotion to his wife and children. I have a friend on the West Coast (Hey Ted), who says it's "The Power of The Coochie" that makes men do these things. Fellas, is this true??? Huuummm...Cleopatra, Angelina, Helen of Troy, Elizabeth Taylor are a few names that come to mind. So, as is my little habit; I offer you a playlist of songs and dedicate them to Tiger Woods and company. Since there are so many songs to choose from, I am going to limit my playlist to ten. You feel free to add on.
1. Who's Making Love To Your Old Lady, While You Are Out Making Love?, by Johnny Taylor
2. Careless Whispers, by George Michaels
3. I'm In Love, With The Other Woman, by Ray Parker Junior
4. She's Got Papers On Me, by Richard "Dimples" Fields
5. Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, by James Brown
6. She Used To Be My Girl, by The O'Jays
7. Mexican Divorce, by The Drifters
8. Money, Money, Money, by The O'Jays
9 .The Clean Up Woman, by Betty Wright
10. She's Come Undun, by The Guess Who
My Play list for Tiger and company:
2. Careless Whispers, by George Michaels
3. I'm In Love, With The Other Woman, by Ray Parker Junior
4. She's Got Papers On Me, by Richard "Dimples" Fields
5. Papa's Got A Brand New Bag, by James Brown
6. She Used To Be My Girl, by The O'Jays
7. Mexican Divorce, by The Drifters
8. Money, Money, Money, by The O'Jays
9 .The Clean Up Woman, by Betty Wright
10. She's Come Undun, by The Guess Who
"Who's Making Love?"
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
"Hey Mr. DJ" by Zhane
Good morning peeps! Woke up this morning, turned on The Today Show. There they were...The Salahis! Don't know who they are? Well unless you've been absent from the planet, you've heard about these two. They are the couple that "allegedly" crashed the Obama's dinner party! At the outset of the interview, it was proclaimed that the Salahis were not receiving payment for their appearance on the show. However, you can bet that somewhere down the line, they are going to make cheese from their brazen deed...indeed!
1. It's My Party by Lesley Gore, for Michelle Obama
2. There's A Stranger In My House by Tamia, for Barack Obama
3. Mama Told Me Not To Come by Three Dog Night, for The Salahis
4. Mother-In -Law by Ernie K- Doe, for Michelle's mom
5. Dish Water Blond by Willie Porter, for Michaele Salahi
6. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, by Cindy Lauper for Sasha and Malia
7. Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers, for all of them
8. Everybody Plays The Fool by The Main Ingredient, for Joe Biden
9. Michelle by The Beatles, for Michelle Obama
10.Yesterday by The Beatles, for Barack Obama
11. Fool's Paradise by M'Lissa Morgan, for all the guests that were there
12. The Party's Over by (recorded by many), for all the guests.
13. There's A Kind Of Hush by Herman's Hermits, for all of us!
14. There's A Meeting In The Ladie's Room by Klymaxx, for Michelle and
15. Stand By Me by Ben E. King, for The Obamas
16. It's All Over Now by The Rolling Stones, for The Salahis
17. Crossfire by Stevie Ray Vaughn, for The Obamas
18. Sweet Home Chicago by The Blues Brothers, for The Obamas
19. It's Getting Hot In Herre by Nellie, for all the guests
20. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? by Chicago for all the guests
Now, I am imagining that I am the Dee-jay at the White House for a day, and I am doing dedications. Here is my play list:
2. There's A Stranger In My House by Tamia, for Barack Obama
3. Mama Told Me Not To Come by Three Dog Night, for The Salahis
4. Mother-In -Law by Ernie K- Doe, for Michelle's mom
5. Dish Water Blond by Willie Porter, for Michaele Salahi
6. Girls Just Wanna Have Fun, by Cindy Lauper for Sasha and Malia
7. Secret Agent Man by Johnny Rivers, for all of them
8. Everybody Plays The Fool by The Main Ingredient, for Joe Biden
9. Michelle by The Beatles, for Michelle Obama
10.Yesterday by The Beatles, for Barack Obama
11. Fool's Paradise by M'Lissa Morgan, for all the guests that were there
12. The Party's Over by (recorded by many), for all the guests.
13. There's A Kind Of Hush by Herman's Hermits, for all of us!
14. There's A Meeting In The Ladie's Room by Klymaxx, for Michelle and
15. Stand By Me by Ben E. King, for The Obamas
16. It's All Over Now by The Rolling Stones, for The Salahis
17. Crossfire by Stevie Ray Vaughn, for The Obamas
18. Sweet Home Chicago by The Blues Brothers, for The Obamas
19. It's Getting Hot In Herre by Nellie, for all the guests
20. Does Anybody Really Know What Time It Is? by Chicago for all the guests
"Hey Mr. DJ"
Monday, November 30, 2009
"Soul Train" - TSOP
Good morning peeps! Finally...something to praise BET about! I am loving their new channel, Centric! I discovered this channel about a month ago, as I was channel surfing. I saw that it featured classic videos of artists in different genres of music, instead of just rap! I was delighted to see some of the forgotten R&B artists that my generation grew up listening to. The only time I was able to see these performers lately, was at live venues like The Beacon Theater, The Paradise Theater in the Bronx, Lehman College in the Bronx, BB Kings, etc. However, these shows are few and far between (well, I have seen a lot in the past few years). Anyway, I am a fan of Centric now. The other reason I am thrilled about this channel is that it shows vintage Soul Train episodes! Y-a-a-y! Not just any old episodes; none of those eighties or nineties "under the skirt" episodes, that made me stop watching, but episodes from the seventies! Great music! Great artists! Great, well so-so dancing! Afros! platform shoes! Leisure suits! Polyester! (Boo!). I am loving the revival of The Soul Train Awards Show too! As I watched last night, I reminisced and really missed the greats like: Chaka Khan, Al Green, Aretha, The Whispers, The Delfonics, The Stylistics, The O'jays. These groups used to be the mainstay artists on S.T. in the seventies. Charlie Wilson of The Gap Band was honored (with Keith Sweat and Genuwine representing), as was Chaka Khan. Kudos to them! There was a Motown Tribute performance that was rather lackluster in my opinion, due to weak singers. During the tribute to Chaka, there was a lot of unnecessary screaming by: Erykah Badu, Fantasia and one other female whose name escapes me. The best homage was sung by Angie Stone, who didn't scream or oversing. When Chaka did sing, she screamed a bit too much opinion folks. Boyz-to-Men was missing two men, but still sounded good. The show was taped in The ATL, so those "Housewives" were there. Random observation: The Don (Cornelious) was not there...just saying.
"Soul Train"
Sunday, November 29, 2009
"There's A Stranger in my House" - Tamia
Good afternoon peeps! I must admit that I had no clue what to write about today. I went to an oldies concert last night at The Brooklyn Academy of Music (BAM) and thought I might write about that. The show featured three top acts: Dennis Edward's Temptation Review, The Manhattans featuring Blue Lovett plus that gorgeous voiced Gerald Alston and, from the West Coast; Rose Royce. The surprise of the evening was that Paul Williams, Jr., son of original Temptation, Paul Williams, is now a part of The Temptation's Review. Great show! But, I've decided to comment on a more topical event of this past week: (no, not Tiger Woods...maybe later) but...those two party crashers: Mr. and Mrs. Talahi of Virginia. Hell to the nah! One of my biggest pet peeves is uninvited guests! If I didn't invite you to my party...don't show up! Of course there are exceptions. Like, if you come with a friend that was invited and you don't plan on eating for two or more (unless you are pregnant), you are welcome to come...that has happened before. Just don't come with the intention a packing a plate for yourself and Bubba and dem! But anyone that knows me from my early childhood days will tell you, if you come to my house unexpected...I'll stand to the door and chat but you aint coming in! (Right Teresa?). Sidebar: I once let a salesman in even though my mother had said say "she's not home" (she was hiding), and he repossessed our black and white TV! My mother was livid, and didn't replace the TV for a long time; depriving us of the best entertainment those days had to offer us! What? No Bandstand? No Mickey Mouse Club? No Twilight Zone! Now, it seems these two: Michaele and Tareq, thought it was ok to crash the Obama's first official dinner party. No, not ok! What an embarrassing thing to have happen, in addition to being a severe breech in security. It has been reported that death threats have increased 400% since Obama took office! This is certainly not the time to have lax security! Though seemingly harmless, any breech in security is a potential threat to the Obama family! The desire to star in a reality TV show has run amok! Gone haywire! Wreaked havoc! What are your thoughts? What should happen to all involved?
"There's A Stranger in my House"
Saturday, November 28, 2009
"Does Your Mama Know About Me?" - Bobby Taylor & The Vancouvers
Good morning peeps! Happy Day-After-Black-Friday! Let's come up with a name for it... How about: "Come to your senses 'cause you are broke Saturday?" Too long right? topic for today is interracial dating; inspired by two songs that I remember well from the sixties: "Does Your Mama Know About Me" which was recorded incidently, by the group that supposedly really discovered The J5; Bobby Taylor & The Vancouvers. Included in the group was Tommy Chong of Cheech and Chong, who is also the father of bi-racial actress Rae Dawn Chong. The Supremes also recorded a version of this song. In the song, the question is asked, "Does your mama know about me? Does she know just what I am? Will she turn her back on me? Or accept me as a man?" Deep huh? He goes on to ask, "And what about your dad? Did you think of what he'll say? Do you accept the burdens, I know will surely come your way? Maybe I shouldn't worry, but I've been through this before, and I'd like to get things straight, before I'm knocking at your door" (Huuummm, a serial bi-racial dater). The other song that comes to mind about this situation is called "Brother Louie" by a one-hit-wonder group, The Stories. The intro goes, "She was black as the night, Louie was whiter than white, but when he took her home to meet his mama and papa, it was a terrible fight." Now I ask you...have you ever been involved in these situations? Have you dated outside your race or ethnic group, and was rejected by the family and friends? Has your family rejected someone you brought home because of their race or ethnicity? Share your story; I'll share mine: I went on my first interracial date this past July, with a nice fella I met over a social networking site. He was of Irish descent. We had been messaging back and forth, and had spoken on the phone a few times. We had more in common than not: kids,, a liking for 1950's blk & wh. Sci-Fi movies, Doo-wop music. When I finally accepted a date with him, I followed all the "safe meeting suggestions" and invited him to an outdoor Doo-wop concert in The Boogie Down. He drove from Strong Island in his convertable. We went to lunch at an Italian restaurant, then enjoyed the concert. I called my sister Rickie, to come and join us; she did. He was friendly but quiet; also generous...he insisted on paying for the lunch and bought me a tee-shirt. After a long concert, he drove us both home then called later to say he'd enjoyed himself and didn't want it to end. We are still in touch, but have had no further dates. He has asked but I've been reluctant; only because I don't believe in putting one's eggs in one basket (WTF does that mean?). I didn't want him to think I was that into him...I wasn't! He is friend material, but no sparks for me. I don't think his race is the reason; it's me I guess. I want the butterflies in the stomach feeling we women get when we meet "that man." It didn't happen with him. Now, do tell!!!
"Does Your Mama Know About Me?"
Friday, November 27, 2009
"Thank God it's Friday" - Love & Kisses
Good morning peeps! Are you here? Or are you out shopping til you drop because it's "Black Friday?" I used to think that the term "black" is attributed to all things negative, in the media. For example, "black magic" is bad; the man in the "black hat and coat" is usually the villian in a story. Captain "Black Beard" was a bad pirate; however, next to "Good Friday", "Black Friday" is a good Friday! I was curious about the origins of the term because I had always thought (notice I didn't say assumed, and you know why), that the term "Black Friday" was referencing the retail term for turning a profit, since being in the "red" meant losses and being in the "black" meant gains. Well, it did evolve into that meaning. Macy's and other retailers designated the day after Thanksgiving as "Black Friday" to usher in the unofficial start of the Christmas shopping season. But it didn't always refer to just shopping. In the 1960's, Philiadelphia police called the day after Thanksgiving "Black Friday" because of the huge traffic jams caused by shoppers. The term spread to the mainstream after The New York Times used it in an article about shopping after Thanksgiving. Now wasn't that an interesting bit of trivia? I know...get a life right?
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"I Want to Thank You Heavenly Father" - Alicia Myers
Good morning peeps! It's that time of year when we become mindful of all that we have or are. Although we should be grateful every day we wake up, we often tend to relegate our declarations of gratitude to specific times of the year. Thanksgiving is tomorrow, so we once again openly state what we are thankful for; unashamedly. I'm no different are my declarations of gratitude:
As I stood in my kitchen this morning preparing pancakes, I felt a brush on my shoulder followed by a loud bang! The overhead light globe had fallen! It is made out of glass, but did not shatter or break in any way. I was stunned because it was so unexpected. I did not know the holding knob on the bottom was even loose. After I replaced it and screwed it back on as tightly as I could, I thought about how close it came to hitting me square on my noggin. Then, I thanked God that it hadn't, for it would surely have knocked me senseless! It reminded me how God looks out for us, even when we aren't even thinking about it. I am thankful for my ancestors who helped mold me into who I am; my immediate family (siblings, children, parents...) and my friends. I have made new friends whom I have never even met in person, thanks to this medium we call the internet. Thank you Stephanie Jordan for being my sister-from-another-mother/father or as we say, SFAMF. Without your support and know how, this blog would not have happened; you inspire me. Thank you to all who have touched my life in positive ways...Peace!
As I stood in my kitchen this morning preparing pancakes, I felt a brush on my shoulder followed by a loud bang! The overhead light globe had fallen! It is made out of glass, but did not shatter or break in any way. I was stunned because it was so unexpected. I did not know the holding knob on the bottom was even loose. After I replaced it and screwed it back on as tightly as I could, I thought about how close it came to hitting me square on my noggin. Then, I thanked God that it hadn't, for it would surely have knocked me senseless! It reminded me how God looks out for us, even when we aren't even thinking about it. I am thankful for my ancestors who helped mold me into who I am; my immediate family (siblings, children, parents...) and my friends. I have made new friends whom I have never even met in person, thanks to this medium we call the internet. Thank you Stephanie Jordan for being my sister-from-another-mother/father or as we say, SFAMF. Without your support and know how, this blog would not have happened; you inspire me. Thank you to all who have touched my life in positive ways...Peace!
"Thank You Heavenly Father"
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
"Doctor's Orders" - Carol Douglas
Good evening all. I spent the best part of this day sitting in a doctor's office (not sick; just preventive stuff). Therefore, I've decided to make this blog about doctor trivia. Songs, TV shows, observations about doctors. I would love for you to join in with your ideas.
How many songs with "doctor" in the title or lyrics can you name? Here's what I have: "I pick, (clap, clap); names of, (clap, clap); doctors, (clap, clap); five a piece, (clap, clap); no repeats, (clap, clap): memba that game?
1. Doctor's Orders - Carol Douglas
2. Doctor My Eyes - Jackson Browne
3. Dr. Feel Good - Aretha Franklin
4.The Witch Doctor - Alvin and The Chipmunks
5. Doctor Love - Tina Charies
T V doctors ( Real or not):
1. Dr. Kildare
2. Dr. Ben Casey
3. Dr. Welby
4. Dr. Phil
5. Dr. Oz
What type of Doctor am I?
1 .I deliver babies. What type of doctor am I?
2. I get under your skin. What's my title?
3 .I deal with the male genitalia and reproductive system. I am called a____________?
4. My specialty is the female genitalia and reproductive system. I am called a__________?
5. I take care of the babies and kiddies after they arrive. I am a_____________?
6. I get inside your head and prescribe medication if needed; I am a____________________?
7. I get inside your head but am not a medical doctor and do not prescribe medication; I am a___________?
8. I examine your eyes but don't give you the glasses. I'm called an____________________.
9. I fit you with glasses, after examining your eyes. I'm an________________________.
10.I charge you big bucks to make you look fake. I am a________________________.
Well peeps, that's my blog for today...comment, answer questions, add jokes or whatever you want to do, peace!
How many songs with "doctor" in the title or lyrics can you name? Here's what I have: "I pick, (clap, clap); names of, (clap, clap); doctors, (clap, clap); five a piece, (clap, clap); no repeats, (clap, clap): memba that game?
1. Doctor's Orders - Carol Douglas
2. Doctor My Eyes - Jackson Browne
3. Dr. Feel Good - Aretha Franklin
4.The Witch Doctor - Alvin and The Chipmunks
5. Doctor Love - Tina Charies
T V doctors ( Real or not):
1. Dr. Kildare
2. Dr. Ben Casey
3. Dr. Welby
4. Dr. Phil
5. Dr. Oz
What type of Doctor am I?
1 .I deliver babies. What type of doctor am I?
2. I get under your skin. What's my title?
3 .I deal with the male genitalia and reproductive system. I am called a____________?
4. My specialty is the female genitalia and reproductive system. I am called a__________?
5. I take care of the babies and kiddies after they arrive. I am a_____________?
6. I get inside your head and prescribe medication if needed; I am a____________________?
7. I get inside your head but am not a medical doctor and do not prescribe medication; I am a___________?
8. I examine your eyes but don't give you the glasses. I'm called an____________________.
9. I fit you with glasses, after examining your eyes. I'm an________________________.
10.I charge you big bucks to make you look fake. I am a________________________.
Well peeps, that's my blog for today...comment, answer questions, add jokes or whatever you want to do, peace!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Best Wishes!

I'm thankful to cross paths with everyone! Life is Good!
I wish you all a great Holiday, good food and fun with family and friends this Thanksgiving!
Just showing some love :-)

"I Love Music" - The O'Jays
Good Morning music lovers! Did you watch The American Music Awards show last night? You bet I did! I missed the opening and Janet Jackson's performance because I was watching the very funny Curb Your Enthusiasm on HBO, which I ordinarily don't watch. The episode featured Vivica A. Fox, playing as "the black woman," who performed a certain service on Larry David's character (he plays himself). Vivica is cursing him out because he wants to return to his wife, and accuses him of getting a taste of "brown sugar," then moving on...or something to that effect. By now, I was hooked, and continued watching the next episode, which was the reunion episode. It featured the cast from the Larry David created show, Seinfeld. I was watching this, when I saw a feed on FB from a friend, talking about some dress Paula Abdul was wearing on The AMA's. I quickly turned and caught the rest of the show. I still missed Whitney's performance...I don't know...I must have dozed or something. I did see her win an "International Award of Excellence." Is this a newly created award? Anyway, congratulations to Whitney. Here are some of my observations:
Thanks to Kanye West, Taylor Swift won damn near every award in sight for a female artist, including the coveted Favorite Female Artist of the Year, Favorite Pop Female, Favorite Country Female and get this, Adult Contemporary. Isn't she still seventeen? Or is that her "show business age?" Go Taylor; it's because of Kanye!...Jay-Z was introduced by his new BF, A. Rod of The New York Yankees, and with his new muse, Alicia Keyes, he performed Empire State of Mind. He had the LA audience mouthing the words, and bobbing their heads. When Jay gave props to New York, I thought I heard some slight booing. Maybe it was my imagination. Anyway, enough of this East Coast-West Coast rivalry nonsense...kudos to the many talented people on both coasts! Speaking of Jay, his beautiful wife B, was conspicuously absent! And when she was announced as the winner of the Favorite Female in the Soul/R&B award (read: black category), the award had to be accepted by the presenters. Huh? Why didn't Jay accept it for her? I'm just saying. Curioser and curioser...when Jay gave thanks for his Favorite Hip-Hop award, he thanked everyone involved, except...guess who? Another observation: There was a whole lot of "channeling" happening on the show: Lady Ga Ga channeled Madonna, Rihanna channeled Lady Ga Ga, my Bronx home girl J Lo channeled Rihanna, right down to Rihanna's signature "eh, eh, eh!" Home girl danced and stepped up on some male dancer's backs, jumped off and landed on her celebrated derriere! Proving to be a typical Nu-Yawker, she got right back style! As she exited the stage, she quipped, "did you miss me?" Go J Lo! Getting back to Rihanna channeling Lady Ga Ga: the performance was rather...please fill in the blank if you saw the show. She was wearing an interesting "cat suit meets the mummy" outfit, but she has the figure to pull it off! The late, great Michael Jackson won at least two awards: Favorite Male Artist and Album of the Year for his "Number Ones" albumn. Brother Jermaine accepted the award like it was for him...LOL! Watching all the shenanigans made me long for "real music" "real singers" and, alas...the artists of days gone by...oh well.
Thanks to Kanye West, Taylor Swift won damn near every award in sight for a female artist, including the coveted Favorite Female Artist of the Year, Favorite Pop Female, Favorite Country Female and get this, Adult Contemporary. Isn't she still seventeen? Or is that her "show business age?" Go Taylor; it's because of Kanye!...Jay-Z was introduced by his new BF, A. Rod of The New York Yankees, and with his new muse, Alicia Keyes, he performed Empire State of Mind. He had the LA audience mouthing the words, and bobbing their heads. When Jay gave props to New York, I thought I heard some slight booing. Maybe it was my imagination. Anyway, enough of this East Coast-West Coast rivalry nonsense...kudos to the many talented people on both coasts! Speaking of Jay, his beautiful wife B, was conspicuously absent! And when she was announced as the winner of the Favorite Female in the Soul/R&B award (read: black category), the award had to be accepted by the presenters. Huh? Why didn't Jay accept it for her? I'm just saying. Curioser and curioser...when Jay gave thanks for his Favorite Hip-Hop award, he thanked everyone involved, except...guess who? Another observation: There was a whole lot of "channeling" happening on the show: Lady Ga Ga channeled Madonna, Rihanna channeled Lady Ga Ga, my Bronx home girl J Lo channeled Rihanna, right down to Rihanna's signature "eh, eh, eh!" Home girl danced and stepped up on some male dancer's backs, jumped off and landed on her celebrated derriere! Proving to be a typical Nu-Yawker, she got right back style! As she exited the stage, she quipped, "did you miss me?" Go J Lo! Getting back to Rihanna channeling Lady Ga Ga: the performance was rather...please fill in the blank if you saw the show. She was wearing an interesting "cat suit meets the mummy" outfit, but she has the figure to pull it off! The late, great Michael Jackson won at least two awards: Favorite Male Artist and Album of the Year for his "Number Ones" albumn. Brother Jermaine accepted the award like it was for him...LOL! Watching all the shenanigans made me long for "real music" "real singers" and, alas...the artists of days gone by...oh well.
"I Love Music"
Sunday, November 22, 2009
"Left Coast...Right Coast?"
Good Morning! Buenos Dias! Bonjour! Buongiorno! Welcome to week two of a collaboration of voices from both coasts, and all points in between. The mission of this blog is to present points of view from women and men in the form of commentary, poetry, observations, artwork, photography and any media you wish to contribute, that you feel represents you or your coast. Often, people have preconceived notions about others, due to geographic location, that is sometimes positive, but more often negative. I say we are more alike than different, regardless of where our seeds were planted! By the way, I have never said "NuYawk" and I am not rude!...and your Hawaiian shirt and flip-flops are a fashion statement!
East Coast-West Coast Counter Parts
Signature song:
East Coast: New York, New York by Frank Sinatra (honorary mention: Empire State of Mind by Jay-Z & Alicia Keyes)
West Coast: I Left My Heart in San Francisco (honorary mention: California Dreaming by MamasPapas)
Signature bridge:
NY: Brooklyn Bridge
Cali: Golden Gate Bridge
NY: David Patterson, visually impaired
Cali: Arnold Schwarzenegger, language impaired
NY: Michael Bloomberg
Cali: Antonio Villaraigosa (LA)
Indigenous music:
NY: Doo-Wop; Street corner harmonizing
Cali: Beach Boys; Surfer Sounds
Rap Anthems:
NY: Welcome To New York City by Jay-Z
Cali: California Love by Tupac
Famous Rich Guys:
NY: The Donald (Trump)
Cali: Kirk Kerkorian
Famous Rich Girls:
NY: Ivanka Trump; Paris Hilton
Cali: Paris Hilton (bi-coastal)
Funk Masters:
NY: Rick James
Cali: Sly & The Family Stone
NY: Fifth Avenue, Madison Avenue
Cali: Rodeo Drive; Beverly Hills
Signature dead rappers:
NY: Biggie
Cali: Tupac
Natural Disasters:
NY: Hurricanes, flooding
Cali: Earth Quakes, mudslides, wildfires
Animal pests:
NY: Rats
Cali: Ground squirrels
Signature mocked expression:
NY: Yo!
NY: Yo!
Cali: Dude!
Signature sports teams:
NY: Huh? Duh?
Cali: The Lakers
NY: Giants, Jets
Cali: Raiders, Chargers
NY: Yankees (Mets)
California: Angels (Dodgers)
Tourist Traps:
NY: Times Square
Cali: Walk of Fame
NY: Gossip Girls; Sex and The City Girls
Cali: Valley Girls; Desperate Housewives
NY: Waiting for big break on Broadway
Cali: Waiting for big break in Hollywood
Notorius Killers:
NY: Son of Sam, Colin Ferguson
Cali: Hillside Strangler, Zodiac Killer
This list could go on forever; please add to it...thanks!
"Left Coast-Right Coast?"